1,new school ba g是什么意思

in the bag在包里

new school ba g是什么意思

2,跳舞中的new school和old school分别是什么

new school:新生派,创新派 old school:保守派,守旧派

跳舞中的new school和old school分别是什么


恩,我觉得一楼那个说得比较对了,从音乐歌词上说的 另外我觉得街舞动作中new和old所遵循的音乐规则和动作标准不同 就拿poping来说吧 大家都看过MJ的机械,也应该看过网上所谓那个非人类表演那个poping,就是异常柔软身体跟面条一样,那个人在魅力四射中也有演出 new school添加了更多的动作,舞种之间的配合与纯化更加地明显 在音乐上所选择的卡节奏也不打一样,old比较严格地要求卡第一重音从头到尾都是这 而new则在卡重音的基础上向旋律特效音尝试,是freeze还是更加流畅地换动作都有更新的处理方式 尽管也和boogaloo和adminson的划分有绝对关系
首先。OLD SCHOOL中包含的舞蹈基本都起源与90世纪50.60年代,old school包含breaking.popping.locking 而new school中包含的是新兴的舞蹈。。种类也很多。例如jazz.newjazz.hip-hop.krump.雷鬼。等等
你说的new和old是在punk上的吗 以下是关于punk的 从音乐方面,OLD SKU的歌词主要与政治,反抗,暴力有关,以ANTI-FLAG RANCID The Casualties The Exploited为代表,NEW SKU以生活琐事,环保,爱情,学校有关,以GREENDAY NOFX SUM41 GOOD CHARLOTTE BLINK182为代表。OLD比较激进,NEW则是积极向上。曲子上OLD比较脏,NEW干净。NEW比OLD听起来要更偏向流行。


4,my new school

   After I graduated from the primay school, I successfully pass-ed the entrance examination of junior middle school.      On the school opening day, I got up very early, earlier than usual, becaus I was greatly excited to see my new school.      After having my breakfast, I dressed myself, picked up my books, and rushed to the bus station, for I was afriad that I might be late. It was after I had reached the school for half an hour that the bell began to ring. Just imagune how I felt on that morning. It seemed to me that a new school had taken place of my old school which seemed disappeared and could not be found. Moreover, I found that not only the teachers were all strangers to me but all the faces of the school-mates were also new. The school campus was bigger than the old one. there were more school buildings. Everything had changed.
My schoolis very big and beautiful. When you come to our school, you can see the modern teaching building.and its color is red. Our teachers work and do practice in it. Behind the building, there are two classroom buildings and a school library. In the library there are thousands and thousands of books. After class you can borrow the books you want and also you can read them in the reading room at any time. Beside our classroom, there is a big playground. At about 4:30 p.m. every day, many students play football, basketball and some of them play tennis. All the playground is alive. Our school is a model school in Jiangsu. I like my school very much.

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