

亲爱的shirley2candy先生§小姐: 您好!您提的这个问题具有一定的代表性! 英语中没有量词!如中文中说:一本书:英语则为:a book 但有很多名词短语有相当于汉语量词的作用:如: a spoonful of 一匙。。 a pile of 一堆 A set of一套。 最后再次感谢您对我们百度的支持!!祝您天天开心!!



a piece of papera pair of shoesa bag of sugara bottle of gluea bowl of ricea pair of scissorsa pot of soapa glass of watera box of chocolate
a piece of paper a pair of shoes a bag of sugar a bottle of glue a bowl of rice a pair of scissors a pot of soap a glass of water a box of chocolate
纠正一下a sheet of paper a pair of shoes a bag of sweets a bottle of glue a bowl of rice a pair of scissors a pan of soup a cup of water a box of chocolates
a piece of paper a pair of shoes a bag of sugar a bottle of gluewater a bowl of rice a handful of scissors a pan of soup a cup of water a box of chocolate
在英语里其实没有量词这一词类,在汉语里所说的"一头牛"、"一匹马"、"一只笔"、"一本书",在英语里并没有区别:"a cow"、"a horse"、"a pen"、"a book",都是冠词后面加上可数名词。 在汉语里有许多简单的物品,在英语里则需要成双成对的表达: a pair of glasses (一副眼镜) a pair of scissors (一把剪刀) a pair of spectacles (一副眼镜) a pair of trousers (一条裤子) a pair of pants (一条裤子) a pair of pliers(一把剪钳) 英语的... of ...结构既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,如: a piece of paper (一张纸) a piece of information (一条消息) an article of clothes(一件衣物) 汉语里的表示度量衡量的量词在英语里可以找到相应的表达结构,即... of ...。比如: a cup of water(一杯水) a packet of cigarettes(一盒香烟) a basket of vegetables(一篮子蔬菜) 最有意思的就是英语关于各种动物群体的称呼了,各不相同。如: an army of elephants(一群大象) a pack / throng of wolves(一群狼) a batch of dogs(一群狗) a brood of chicks(一群小鸡) a hive of bees(一群蜜蜂) a host of monkeys(一群猴子) a school of fish(一群鱼) a swarm of locusts(一群蝗虫) a team / field of horses(一群马) a gang of elks(一群驼鹿) 我们前面讲了英语中量词与汉语中的量词有很多是对应不上的。不过汉语中许多形象量词,在英语里是能够找到对应的,如: a head of garlic(一头蒜); a drop of water(一滴水); a flood of moonlight(一片月光); a wisp of smoke(一缕烟); a pane of glass(一块玻璃); a layer of rock(一层岩石); a cloud of smoke(一团烟雾); a beam of light(一束光线); a blade of grass(一片草叶); a block of wood(一块木头); a cube of sugar(一块方糖); a roll of newspaper(一卷报纸); a cone of icecream(一个蛋卷冰淇淋); a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力); a stack of hay(一堆乾草); a loaf of bread(一个面包); a grain of rice(一粒米); a cake of soap(一块肥皂); a dash of salt(一撮盐); a coil of wire(一卷电线); a ball of wool(一个毛线球)。 许多形象量词,不仅说明了数量,还有动态和修辞的含意,比如: a glimmer of hope(一线希望); a burst of laughter(一阵笑声); a gust of wind(一阵风); a web of railroad(铁路网); a train of thoughts(一连串的想法)等等。 英语和汉语关于表示数量的词的用法还有一点不同。 汉语说"一杯好茶",在英语里则成了"一好杯茶:a nice cup of tea"。类似的例子还有: a thin coat of ice(一层薄冰); a stagnant pool of water(一潭死水); a beautiful stretch of field(一片美丽的原野)等等。
纠正一下a sheet of paper a pair of shoes a bag of sweets a bottle of glue a bowl of rice a pair of scissors a pan of soup a cup of water a box of chocolates


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