
电视(TV) 洗衣机Washing Machine 电脑Computer 手电筒Flashlight


2,怎么能让手机手电筒打开 再开微信视屏聊天手电筒不灭

可以下载一个电筒软件,这样就可以在视频聊天的时候开手电筒了。电筒:(英文:Flashlight 或 Torch),简称电筒,是一种手持式电子照明工具。一个典型的手电筒有一个经由电池供电的灯泡和聚焦反射镜,并有供手持用的手把式外壳。虽然是相当简单的设计,它一直迟至19世纪末期才被发明,因为它必须结合电池与电灯泡的发明。在早期因为电池的蓄电力不足,因此在英文中它被称为"Flashlight",意即短暂的灯。现代文明的确应感谢美国发明家托马斯·爱迪生,是他制成了第一盏具有商业价值的白灯,为人类带来了 光明。然而,康拉德·休伯特也应受到同样的尊敬,100年前从俄国移民到美国的他发明了手电筒。 休伯特下班回家,一位朋友自豪的向他展示了一个闪光的花盆。原来,他在花盆里装了一节电池和一个小灯泡。电门一开,灯泡照亮了花朵,显得光彩夺目。休伯特看得入了迷,这件事给他以启示。他有时在夜晚黑暗中走路,高一脚低一脚很不方便,就在不久前他还不得不提着笨重的油灯到漆黑的地下室找东西。他想,如果能用电灯随身照明,不是实用方便吗?于是,休伯特把电池和灯泡放在一个管子里,结果第一个移动照明手电筒[1] 问世了。

怎么能让手机手电筒打开 再开微信视屏聊天手电筒不灭


亲爱的先生: 我们的市场调查显示你对进口的手电筒(或者闪光灯)感兴趣、我们提供质量可靠和极具竞争力的价格的LED和充电电池的电筒。希望我们可以成为你们公司的伙伴。 如果需要的话我们还可以提供电子目录。 您可以发邮件给我或者直接打我电话。谢谢。 Michael Huang (写信的那个人。) Flashlight这个单词可以是手电筒或者闪光灯。你们公司是什么。就是什么。呵呵。谢谢采纳。生意兴隆。
Dear Sir,亲爱的先生,Our market survey informs that your are interested in the imported Flashlight. 我们的市场调查得知你们有兴趣进口手电筒。We supply Led products and Rechargeable Flashlight with good quality and very pretty competitive price. Hope to be a partner of your company!我们供应的产品和充电手电筒具有良好的质量和极具竞争力的价格相当。希望能在贵公司的合伙人!E-catalog will be provided if needed. 电子目录将提供如果需要。Email me or just call me directly. Thank you!我的电子邮件或直接打我电话。谢谢!Best regards, 诚挚的问候, Michael Huang黄米迦勒
How regards the current this kind the danger of war which causes oureach people all to be afraid? Is same with you, I extremely am notwilling to regard own house the bomb which is thrown down by theairplane to raze, is not willing oneself sorrowfully to kill by poisonby the mustard gas. I saw as if during, the main street and smallalley piled up with the covered with blood corpse, the children pacedback and forth shout their parents, the baby tightly are hugging inthe death mother suffocate, finally suffocated dies - - the modern warto mean all these. When this moment I speak to you, is having suchmatter in Spain and China, but tomorrow, it will possibly be able toarrive to our on. Most too bad is no matter our behavior is ugly, howno matter we painfully did die, said all immaterial to our naturemother, how regardless of we do slaughter the ability to reach thepinnacle, the nature all can be born the enough baby to make up thesethe life which slaughters. London possibly can be destroyed in amoment, Paris possibly can be destroyed in a moment, Constantinoplepossibly can change into the ruins in gunsmokes. In these cities thewomen and children can send out the final pitiful yell, then then isdies the general silence. This some have not all related: The naturemother can use the new life to substitute the dead, she is doing thisevery day.



1、免充电,无电时手摇1~2分钟即可继续使用 1. Free-charge, shake 1 or 2 minutes with hands when non-power to use continually. 2、5颗高亮度LED,大面积照射有效距离50M 2.5 high brightness LED, large area illumination effective distance 50M.3、无需使用干电池,携带更加方便,并符合环保要求 3. Without using batteries, carrying more convenient, and environmentally.4、本产品为超亮度,高强度光源,禁止照射人和动物眼睛 4.This product is super bright, high-intensity light source, against human and animal exposure to the eyes.5、具有360度连续充电自发电,1镭射灯或2荧光验钞灯+5LED灯 5.It has a 360-degree continuous charging from power generation, a compact fluorescent lamp or 2 lamp +5 LED light money detector. 6、手摇充电镭射验钞照明手电筒 6. Hand crank flashlight laser light money detector. 希望采纳~~^ ^
1.non-rechargeable, non-electric hand 1 to 2 minutes when you can continue to use.2.5 high brightness LED, large area illumination effective distance 50M.3. without using batteries, carrying more convenient, and environmentally.4. this product is super bright, high-intensity light source, against human and animal exposure to the eyes.5.has a 360-degree continuous charging from power generation, a compact fluorescent lamp or 2 lamp +5 LED light money detector. 6.hand crank flashlight laser light money detector.
1: exempts the charge, the radio time hand operated 1~2 minutes then continue to use2: 5 high luminance LED, big area illumination effective range 50M 3: does not need to use the dry cell battery, the carryhome is more convenient, and conforms to the environmental protection requirement 4: this product is the ultra brightness, the high strength photosource, forbids to shine the human and the animal eye 5: has 360 kwh trickle charge from the electricity generation, 1 radium shoots the lamp or 2 fluorescence examines the paper money lamp +5LED lamp 6: the hand operated charge radium shoots examines the paper money illumination flashlight
1, Free-charge, shake with hands 1 or 2 minutes when its going to non-power to use continually.
1st, exempts the charge, the radio time hand operated 1~2 minutes then continue to use2nd, 5 high luminance LED, big area illumination effective range 50M 3rd, does not need to use the dry cell battery, the carryhome is more convenient, and conforms to the environmental protection requirement 4th, this product is the ultra brightness, the high strength photosource, forbids to shine the human and the animal eye 5th, has 360 kwh trickle charge from the electricity generation, 1 radium shoots the lamp or 2 fluorescence examines the paper money lamp +5LED lamp 6th, the hand operated charge radium shoots examines the paper money illumination flashlight
2 and 5 high brightness LED, illuminate effective distance 50M3, without using dry, carry convenience, and meet the environmental requirements4, this product is a super brightness, high strength, light irradiation and animal eyesFive, with 360 degrees for charging electricity, 1 or 2 fluorescence radium shoots 5LED + yanchao lights 6 and hand charging laser yanchao lighting flashlight

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