
preserverence = 毅力,忍耐,不屈不撓, persist = 堅持,固執,持續, insist = 堅持, unremitting = 不懈的,不斷的,堅忍的,持續的 不同情况用不同的词 请采纳谢谢
Never give up


2,毅力是什么 英语短文

铁杵磨成针 唐朝大诗人李白,小时候不喜欢读书。一天,乘老师不在屋,悄悄溜出门去玩儿。 他来到山下小河边,见一位老婆婆,在石头上磨一根铁杵。李白很纳闷,上前问:“老婆婆,您磨铁杵做什么?” 老婆婆说:“我在磨针。”李白吃惊地问:“哎呀!铁杵这么粗大,怎么能磨成针呢?”老婆婆笑呵呵地说:“只要天天磨铁杵总能越磨越细,还怕磨不成针吗?” 聪明的李白听后,想到自己,心中惭愧,转身跑回了书屋。从此,他牢记“只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针”的道理,发奋读书。

毅力是什么 英语短文


strong-willed determined
这个可以翻译成最简单的“patient“,但是可能patient的意思有点宽泛,它还可以表示有耐心的等等,你不用盯着“毅力”这个词” 同时它也表示坚强 坚持不懈的意思还可以用resolute 或者更简单的hardy sturdy等等 有很多 你自己挑吧。


4,the romance of the three kingdoms

Scrape bone healing poison After seven army water flooding, guan yu, in FanCheng against FanCheng next defied. CaoRen command archer shooting arrows, guan yu, back in the right arm. Arrow, poison has profound toxic. Then invited for healing zhou tai well-known hua tuo. Hua tuo said to cut the flesh and bones, the poison will very pain, please pass feather the arm, head of living bind blindfolded. Guan yu said no. Side and brush aside hand blow, chess, no pain in the talk. And two mutually, guan yu hua tuo praised the admiration of guan yu hua tuo skill and courage.
:the romance of three kingdoms)三个王国的浪漫:the romance of three kingdoms)三个王国的浪漫

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