1,专业词汇 用英语怎么

Proper Noun —— 以前在教科书上看到的其实是专有名词,因为这些词汇都是名词。
词汇 vocabulary; words and phrases
最地道的说法是 Jargon
jargon行话,term术语,technical lingo或technical term可指专业术语
Professional words

专业词汇 用英语怎么说


1125锚起底:Anchor since the end of 1125: 排油监控装置:Pai oil monitoring device; 正横防波堤:Wang is breakwater; 防雾号:Fog, 船首带拖轮:Tugboat with bow
Anchor row at the end of 1125 from the oil monitoring device is horizontal anti breakwater, with the bow tugboat
Anchor row at the end of 1125 from the oil monitoring device is horizontal anti breakwater, with the bow tugboat



1 。 资本引擎股票市MortgageSelector RedBricks 2 。 Buildfolio BuildPoint Buzzsaw Citadon iScraper NetClerk RedLadder Struxion WorldBuild 3 。 卡特彼勒DealMover LoopNet PropertyFirst RealtyIQ WorkplaceIQ NetStruxture 4 。 砖氮字节eBuyerExpress iBuilding 定位网FacilityPro OPSX变化新闻社PhatPipe Qrent RealCentric 出租SiteStuff theRent WorkSpeed YieldStar 5 。 办公室盟军冒口宽带办公室魆赛普拉斯通信。 尤里卡宽带现场城市媒体零售Clixnmortar Eversave Mallibu TenantConnect



Completion of the ship (10,000 dwt) Handheld ships (10,000 dwt) To take orders for new ships (10,000 dwt) Rank Units Ship New orders Delivery of vessel Global handset orders Tankers Bulk carrier Container ship Dry Cargo Ship Large Small Offshore Platform Tug Fishing Other vessels Military ships Barge Since the aircraft without barge
Completion of ship (million), Carrying vessel (million tons) The new undertaking ship orders (million tons) ranking Units, ship The new receive orders Delivery ships With global orders
Completion of the ship (10,000 dwt) Handheld ships (10,000 dwt) To take orders for new ships (10,000 dwt) Rank Units Ship New orders Delivery of vessel Global handset orders

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