
I have nothing to say!
Nothing to say
No words



无辜拼音: [wú gū] [释义] 1.清白无罪的。2.无罪的人。
是wú gū
无辜[读音][wú gū] [解释]1.清白无罪的 2.无罪的人



基本解释 无奈 cannot help but however 例句 Her husband whomped up a last-ditch dinner. 她丈夫迫于无奈,匆匆做了一顿晚饭。 Since there was no way to make a fire, we had to bow to the inevitable and had some biscuits with snow. 因无法生火,我们迫于无奈,只好用雪拌饼干吃。 As an old person, one is often condemned to live alone 老年人常出於无奈而独自生活 I am forced to swallow my pride and ask for a loan. 我无奈须忍辱告贷。 His first novel,"Desperate Remedies, "appeared in 1871. 他的第一小说《计出无奈》于1871年问世。
无奈: [ wú nài ] 1. cannot help but 2. however 例句与用法: 1. 老年人常出於无奈而独自生活。 As an old person, one is often condemned to live alone.



无奈: [ wú nài ] 1. cannot help but2. however例句与用法: 1. 老年人常出於无奈而独自生活。 As an old person, one is often condemned to live alone.
基本解释 无奈 cannot help but however 例句 her husband whomped up a last-ditch dinner. 她丈夫迫于无奈,匆匆做了一顿晚饭。 since there was no way to make a fire, we had to bow to the inevitable and had some biscuits with snow. 因无法生火,我们迫于无奈,只好用雪拌饼干吃。 as an old person, one is often condemned to live alone 老年人常出於无奈而独自生活 i am forced to swallow my pride and ask for a loan. 我无奈须忍辱告贷。 his first novel,"desperate remedies, "appeared in 1871. 他的第一部小说《计出无奈》于1871年问世。

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