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She went to the farm, met a farmer, and the farmer was very friendly. She took her to visit the farm.
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  A VISIT TO THIS OLD FARM  Posted December 14, 2014 by Isaac Smith. Filed Under Grower Profile,Meat & Seafood  Everyone wants to believe that the meat they purchase comes from animals treated with respect on small family farms, but when youre shopping the meat department at a conventional grocery store, you have little connection to the suppliers of the commodity meat products being sold. Even at grocery stores with a more natural orientation, its not always clear how well the animals are treated or what their living conditions are. This Old Farm supports local farmers who produce humanely-raised meat, making it easy for you to find a brand you can trust from the first squeal of a piglet to the last gobble of a turkey.  This Old Farm began as a single farm operated by Jessica and Erick Smith. Unhappy with their processing options, they decided to build their own slaughterhouse just miles from their farm near Colfax, Indiana (72 miles from Bloomington). They now represent, process, and market for 20 farms that produce a range of products including pork, beef, poultry, lamb, as well as organic produce. While “This Old Farm” has grown from the name of a single farm to a brand encompassing an alliance of farms, they are committed to source-traceable products, meaning that each and every package of meat lists the exact farm it came from. However big they become, you will always have that connection to the individual farms supplying the meat you purchase.  Many suppliers of natural foods stores raise their animals without antibiotics these days. It is one of the easiest changes to make from conventional production methods, and gives them something to shout about on their package. And while it is one of the more important issues for human health, given the issue of antibiotic-resistant strains of diseases, it is not the only issue to consider when assessing the quality of meat. This Old Farm sets itself apart from other suppliers by offering only animal products raised on pasture-based farms.  What does This Old Farm mean by pasture-based? Given that phrases such as “pasture based” and “free range” have no enforced definition, there is often uncertainty about what it means or concern that manufacturers are taking advantage of the phrase even when they know that the actual living conditions of the animals dont meet the expectations of the customer. In the case of This Old Farm, its everything you would expect, and more.  When I envisioned how the pigs were raised, I imagined they had a barn and a modest amount of green grass and mud to run around on, just for fun. That would have satisfied me. On a tour of the This Old Farm original property, Jessica explained that the pigs are actually raised primarily in the woods, where they are free to exhibit all their natural behaviors and satisfy their curiosities. The wooded areas are divided into sections, and the pigs live for so long in each section before being moved to another to prevent them from devouring and destroying all plant life in the woods.  Mud baths are great for your skin, try one today!  This is more labor intensive than simply raising them in closed barns all their life (imagine convincing a bunch of pigs that yes, yes they do need to get into the trailer to move to another woods), but produces a happier and healthier pig. In addition to all the fun they have (check out the pigs above and below), being in the woods allows them to forage for the food. This means that a substantial part of their diet in warmer months comes from fresh foraged food and not just grain. Even in the Winter, when the pigs spend most of their time camping out in barns, their diet of grain, hay, haylage, and alfalfa is supplemented with at least 15% greens.  Im actually jealous of these pigs right now. Who wants to be a pig with me?  This Old Farm has several suppliers of their regular pasture-raised pork (Jack Hunt and Phelps Family Farm supply most of the pork coming to Bloomingfoods), as well as a supplier of certified organic pork. Everything you get with the regular pastured pork, plus the fact that they use locally-raised (not from China, yo!), certified-organic feed.  In the case of beef, pasture-raised means just about everything you would imagine: the cattle are on grass. While This Old Farm has worked with a 100% grass-fed supplier in the past (you may have seen this product in our stores), his product is currently unavailable and the only beef being sold is from a number of farms that offer grain-finished beef. Grain-finishing beef for the last few months allows the animal to be brought up to slaughter-weight much more rapidly. While many are concerned about the effect of feeding grain on the animal, one benefit is that more meat can be produced on the same amount of land.  In addition to the cuts of pork and beef sold at East and Elm, This Old Farm also offers certified organic pork, chicken, certified organic chicken, and turkey. If there is a cut of meat you are looking for that isnt available in store, we can special order it! Email Justin at eastmeat@bloomingfoods.coop for more information on pricing and delivery schedule. Like most of our local suppliers, This Old Farm will cut to order, so if you want a 3 inch thick ribeye steak or a six pound pork shoulder, we can make it happen.


兹于3月12日奉贤红光农场,参观的路程是上午8:00 农场办公室总经理介绍农场的概况8:30 参观发电厂9:30 参观文化中心10:30 参观厂办中学13:30 到农家做客凡愿意参加者,请于上午6:20分在校门口集合,汽车在6:30分准时出发。学生会 过时了


光明农场 --生态农业旅游观光之胜地 光明华侨农场(集团)公司位于深圳市西北部,总面积54.6平方公里,拥有31平方公里的森林。 良好的自然生态环境基础和发达的现代化农牧业以及高科技工业,使我场的生态旅游独具特色,在青山、水畔、果园、劳动园地中爬山、踏青、体会农业劳动之乐;在奶牛场、白鸽场、千亩荔枝园等景区漫步;一幅幅古朴而生动的农业景观让您心旷神怡,各种参与性的劳动将带给您无穷的乐趣;丰富的时令鲜果、蔬菜,光明烧乳鸽、各种奶制品、饮料以及西式肉制品可让您一饱口福,满载而归…… 光明农场大力实施一系列发展项目,现已建成一个目前全国规模最大、配置最全的滑草场和滑车场,同时将光明的一条旧街改造成欧陆风情的、充满侨乡特色的一条新街,它是光明的形象工程和农业观光旅游的又一个新亮点。 光明,这个"绿色食品之王国,农业旅游之胜地"热情欢迎您的光临! 地 址:深圳市光明华侨农场(集团)公司旅游公司 联 系 人:林雪枚 电 话:0755-7400076 7400054 13823307668 邮 箱:szarquan@21cn.com 乘车路线: 301路 银湖-宝安-光明 709路 松岗--光明农场总站 774路 宝安南头检查站-石岩-光明农场总站 532路 火车站-石岩湖(转774中巴)-光明农场 光明农场位于深圳西北部,距市区30分种车程,占地55平方公里,拥有31平方公里山林,上万亩果园,森林覆盖率达70%,七个姿态各异大小水库和众多的鱼塘明珠般地洒落其中,到处青山绿水,仿若世外桃园。回归自然,返璞归真已成为人们新的休闲心态的今天,作为深圳一个绿色环保的天堂,常有港及国内外旅游团体来光明农场品尝乳鸽的美味、牛奶的淳香、水果的鲜甜、观览奶牛的风姿及“落地皇鸽”的神采。农场的旅游开发规划已纳入深圳市旅游发展“九五”规划和2010年远景目标纲要。一个具有参与性、观赏性、休闲性、度假性的“绿色食品之国,农业旅游圣地”将为特区增添新的色彩。

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