1,英语作文welcome to wuxi

welcome to wuxi_有道翻译翻译结果:欢迎来到无锡welcome_有道词典welcome英 [?w?lk?m]美 [?welk?m]n. 欢迎vt. 欢迎adj. 受欢迎的int. 欢迎n. (Welcome)人名;(英)韦尔科姆
there are many beautiful women here

英语作文welcome to wuxi


“欢迎来到广州”的英语是:Welcome to Guangzhou
Welcome to guangzhou
welcome to guangzhou
Welcome to guangzhou!!!!
Welcome To GuangZhou


3,welcome to zhanjiang英语作文

welcome to zhanjiang欢迎来到湛江welcome to英 [?welk?m tu:] 美 [?w?lk?m tu] 欢迎来到…双语例句1My dear man, you are welcome to stay. 我的老弟,欢迎你留下来。2You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time. 你可以随时来医院

welcome to zhanjiang英语作文


welcome to...
welcome !欢迎welcome to your coming! 欢迎您的到来。。
Welcome here!
elcome to +地点 欢迎来.sb be welcome to +地点 欢迎某人来...
欢迎来到中国 welcome to china
welcome to

5,我来到广州大概一周的时间了 怎么翻译英语

wo lai dao guangzhou daigai yi zhou shijian le
你好!欢迎来到广州welcome to guangzhou
I have gone to Guangzhou for a week
I have been in GuangZhou for a week .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------你认可我的回答么~~~如有不懂,可以追问~~~^.^


welcome to back
回答和翻译如下 :Welcome back .欢迎回来 。
欢迎您英文怎么写welcome!1、hi,li yan.welcome to my new home .你好,李燕。欢迎来到我的新家。2、the forbidden city is one of the most popular attractions by visitors.紫禁城最受来宾欢迎的景点之一 。3、teacher li popular with students welcome李老师很受同学们欢迎。4、welcome to watch the match,students!欢迎同学们去观看比赛”!5、welcome back to the air english class again.“欢迎同学们又回到空中英语课堂”。6、welcome to the school欢迎来到学校。7、the new curriculum schedule for students。同学们的新课程表。8、"welcome"thestudentscametochina"欢迎"同学们来到中国。

7,next sunday去广州的作文不少于六句话

根据句中in two days (两天后),且句中谓语为一般将来时,只能用this sunday(本周日)。如用next sunday(下周日) 在时间概念上至少是一周后而非两天后。
The Sunday is coming,and i am planing to do something to spend my Sunday.I would like to finish my homework first,and then I can be free to do my other stuffs.I will call my friends,and invite them to my home.I prepare to rent some movies,so we can watch together.We also can go out to have our dinner together.We can eat some fast food.When I get home,I will prepare something for school because tomorrow is a new start for school.

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