



成人套餐Adult Package 儿童套餐Children Package 糯米鸡 (独特中国食品无英文名)推荐译为炸饭团Fried rice ball 玉兔包Lotus seed paste package 冬茸酥Dried crisp cake 葱油饼Fried Onion pie 也不说多给点悬赏分,太小气了.



一1 Heat soy milk /pot2 Hot milk /pot3 Coffee /cup4 Black tea /cup二1 Fried fried fritters /In(3 roots)2 Fried Yougao /In3 Steamed bread /In(With side dishes)4 Noodles with Fried eggs /Bowl5 Tam-Tam /Bowl6 Rousi of mustard(noodles) /Bowl7 Boiled eggs /Bowl(2 in one;100%&50%)8 Boiled eggs without shell /In(2 in one;100%&50%)9 Fried eggs /In(2 in one;Duplex or Single fried ,100%&50%)10 Tangyuan /In(5 in one,Sweet or Salty)汗~~累死了,你是给老外做东西吃?强~~~价钱直接写阿拉伯数字就可以了吃的东西最难翻译,尤其是小吃,没有正规的叫法,有些东西可能不准,但老外们绝对看的懂,关于面的问题,不用写2两,直接按碗算就可以了
中式早餐 chinese breakfast 热豆浆 hot soybean milk 担担面sichuan style noodles 素菜粥porridge with vegetables 煎蛋面noodles with omelette 小米粥millet congee 榨菜肉丝面pork pickled mustard green noodles 皮蛋瘦肉粥minced pork congee with preserved egg 白灼时蔬scalded seasonal vegetable 以上均配开胃小菜两款 all above are with two starters 中式蒸煎、炸点心chinese steamed refreshments and pan-fried or fried refreshments 蒸水晶烧麦steamed crystal 炸春卷fried spring roll 蜜汁叉烧包steamed and grilled meat bun with honey 炸油条fried twisted cruller 豆沙包smashed bean bun 炸油糕fried cake 汤圆glutinous rice balls 蒸馒头steamed bun 饮品 drinks 热牛奶hot milk 橙汁orange juice 咖啡coffee 苹果汁apple juice 红茶blake tea 欧式早餐european breakfast 煎鸡蛋 omelette 单面煎single-side 双面煎double-side 煮鸡蛋boiled egg 配多士、牛油、果酱with cheese butter and jam 全熟well-done 半熟parboil 水煮荷包蛋boiled poached egg 加配腌肉或鸡肉肠with salted meat or chicken sausage 房号room number 送餐时间time 请阁下在对应“□”内勾选您 早餐搭配,谢谢! please mark your breakfast in “□”!


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