1,ASP中的错误A page can have only one serverside Form tag


ASP中的错误A page can have only one serverside Form tag

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从北京服装学院怎么去国贸PAGE one书店希望今天能得到答案

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5,ASP中的错误A page can have only one serverside Form tag

你这个是ASP.NET!在标签里加入 runat="server"属性.就像下面这样:


1.A THE CANFIELD TIMES gave the news in these words on page one 2.D Last August there was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel in Beldon 3.D 4.A 5.B


Steps for surfing on internet, 1.connect reticle to the computer, and start the host computer.There will be the Shenshi Bridge Hotel homepage.One the left right of the page there is a column for room number and code number. 2.Call 8882 to the information desk for the code number. 3.Input your room number and the code from the information desk in the column,and then press Enter.Done!
Internet steps: 1. Connecting cable, open the host computer, the screen showed the bridge Shen Hotel page, lower right corner show the room number and password of the one column. 2. Dial "8222" to obtain the total Taiwan password. 3. To your room between houses and the total Taiwan password to enter the corresponding column box, press Enter key to get to your landing successfully.

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