



绳,线,索线条列,排;(等待顺序的)行列交通线;航线;铁路线诗文的)一行皱纹外形,轮廓电话线;电报线短简,短函 方式,方法
1.线 2.行 vi 1.排队 vt



line[英][la?n][美][la?n]n.线条; 排; 行列; 界线; vt.排队; 用线标出; 沿…排列成行; 给…安衬里; vi.形成一层; 排队; 击出平直球; 第三人称单数:lines过去分词:lined复数:lines现在进行时:lining过去式:lined例句:1.Over half the population lives below the poverty line. 超过一半的人口生活在贫困线以下。2.Washington is right to pursue this line. 华盛顿方面选择这条方针是正确的。
n.排;线路;线条;方法vt.排队;用线标出;[棒球](击球手)击出(平直球);给…安衬里vi.(在某物的内部)形成一层;排队,排列成行,排齐(常与 up 连用);[棒球](击球手)击出平直球;(击球手因击出的平直球被对方接住而)出局



n. 路线, 线, 航线, 行, 界限n. She always takes a Marxist line. n. 她一贯奉行马克思主义路线。 n. 路线n. She always takes a Marxist line. n. 她一贯奉行马克思主义路线。 n. 线n. Hang the clothes on the line. n. 把衣服晾在绳子上。 n. 航线n. The air line service is to operate daily. n. 这条航线每天都有班机飞行。 n. This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes. n. 这辆车不能与我们的默西迪丝航线比较。 n. 行n. You should write on every other line. n. 你应该隔行写。 n. 界限n. The dividing line is not always marked and clear. n. (两者间的)界限并不总是那么清楚明显的。 v. 排队, 画线v. 排队v. The battalion commander lined his men along the railway. v. 营长命令士兵们沿铁轨排开。 v. 画线v. Please line your paper with a pencil and ruler. v. 请用铅笔和尺在纸上画线。 v. The lifeline is displayed as a vertical dashed line. v. 生命周期显示为一个垂直的点画线。 v. 加衬里v. 加衬里v. This piece of silk would line your coat nicely . v. 这块丝料会很适于衬在你的大衣里。 n. 皱纹, 台词, 行业, 家族n. 皱纹n. In his voice was an old quaver which was not habitual and there was agitation in every line of his visage. n. 在他的话语中有一丝颤动,这不是他惯常有的,并且他面容上能看到每一条皱纹的摇动。 n. She lay in bed, white, with terror-filled eyes, her lips set and a little vertical line between the brows. n. 她躺在床上,脸色惨白,眼里充满恐怖,双唇不动,双眉间有一道竖着的细细的皱纹。 n. 台词n. Thrown off by the jeers, she forgot her line. n. 台下的嘘声使她心慌意乱,以致把台词也忘了。 n. 行业n. IBM is always in the front line of computer industry. n. IBM公司一直处在电脑行业的前沿。 n. 家族n. Out of that city, the defiant line of Kain prospered as he and his offspring embraced the wisdom of the serpent. n. 在城之外,叛逆的该隐家族拥抱着蛇之智慧而繁荣兴盛。 n. He explains briefly that he is the last of the Corthala noble line, a family that was once one of the wealthiest in Amn. n. 他简短地解释道,寇萨拉家族曾经是安姆最富裕的贵族,但如今却仅存他孤身一人。
line是线,线条的意思 而key line则表示印页两面行线对准 记得采纳我的意见哦 谢谢了

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