1,最后 用英语怎么

last=finally=in the end
最后finallylastlyultimatelyeventuallyat lengthbitter endin conclusionin the endomega

最后 用英语怎么说


first next then 你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你
first 或者first of all,second ,next, finally 或者 at last
First of all. Secondly. And then. Finally.



最后 最后[简明汉英词典] [zuìhòu] 1. at length 2. bitter end 3. eventually 4. finally 5. in conclusion 6. in the end 7. lastly 8. omega 9. ultimately
at last in the end finally eventually 这些都是副词
“最后”英语怎么解释? 1. in the end 2. at last 3. finally
1.final; last; ultimate 2.eventually; lastly; finally; in conclusion; in the end


4,英文翻译 最初和最终

at the beginning/at the very beginningin the end绝对不能用at the end
最初:at the beginning/at first/at the first time最终:in the end/at last/finallyat the end(在什么的末尾)
initially did not know the final phase is not identified.
at the beginingin the end
finally,at the begining最终:in the end(前面的介词肯定是in),first of all:originally最初
at the begining/at the first timeat the end呵呵搞错了 应该是in the end


finallyeventuallyat lastin the endas a resultas a consequence
last, final, finally ,ultimate ,in the end, at the end of , in the last place, at last, till the end.last, final, finally ,ultimate ,in the end, at the end of , in the last place, at last, till the end.
last, final, finally ,ultimate ,in the end, at the end of , in the last place, at last, till the end.
finally in the end at last
eventually, finally, last, lastly, ultimatelyat last, in the end, at length, in time


其实他们说的都对的1.last(注意这个单词既可以形容词又可以是副词哦 还有一个也是副词lastly都是“最后“的意思)2.eventually(eventual是它的形容词)3.finally(final是它的形容词形式)4.ultimate(形容词,意思是”最后的“)5.end(名词,也表示最后)以上的是单词, 可选择在不同的语境下机动灵活的调整。 还有词组,at last , in the end 都是比较常规的用法了,还有一些可能会比较难 我自己也没掌握,先帮你这些吧 还有一个比较高级的,意思是最终结果是.....叫 turn out (to be),也很常用还是很地道的英语经常出现在美剧和电影里 下面来举个例子——ex1 :Oh god , it turns out that he did that thing ! 意思就是”天哪,最后结果竟然是他干了这件事情“这是一个固定用法,直译过来也就是最后的意思。ex2:It turns out to be all wet outside .意思就是 最后结果是外面全都是湿的~希望能帮到你 手打的很辛苦!有问题再问哈 乐意效劳 也望采纳!谢谢更多用法可以看这个网址 很详细 也有点深度 有兴趣可以自己看看http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=M7A2WVf-6u2Q73v9apjIgvp67ebmvfMJA6NqXawKRrVm9HJD-dL456tqh2sU_p92qqZQ_80qe7LXX9CpuJL2bq
The last, The end, eventually,, final 这几个是最长用的,,用法大不相同哦··

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