

大明湖并称为济南三大名胜.的翻译是:Daming Lake and known as Jinan three attractions.
趵突泉baotu spring 大明湖the great lake



Baotu Spring Spurting Spring
baotu spring
说就是拼音直接说,写可以Baotu Spring
就是把拼音拼出来就行了 BaoTuQuan


3,趵突泉为什么叫 Baotu Spring

1.趵突泉早年名号繁杂,有人以其为泺水的源头,便称其为“泺”,元代的赵孟頫曾在他的《趵突泉》一诗中写道:泺水发源天下无,平地涌出白玉壶。  2.百姓看三道泉喷发的壮盛景观,又称之为“三股水”或“瀑流”   3.北魏时期人们对三股泉水威猛喷发的气势生发了猛虎出闸、壮士出击的联想,于是“槛泉”之名广为流传   4.直至北宋,曾巩以其卓异才思为这泓名泉起了日后四海传扬的名字——趵突泉。“趵”是跳跃的 意思,“突”是突出的样子,“趵突二字传神地表达了泉水日夜喷涌跳跃而出的景象。
趵突的音译是Baotu。spring 是泉水的意思。合起来就是 Baotu Spring
你好!spring 有泉的意思趵突泉,是纯专有名词,趵突就翻译为baotu仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

趵突泉为什么叫 Baotu Spring


趵突泉 Baotu Spring济南三大名胜之一,位于济南市中心区趵突泉公园内千佛山 Qianfo Mount济南市南郊。古称历山大明湖 Daming Lake济南三大名胜之一,是繁华都市中一处难得的天然湖泊。
Baotu Spring, Qianfo Hill, Daming Lake
你好!是这样翻的:趵突泉 Baotu Spring千佛山 Qianfo Mount 也有用 Qianfo Hill 和 Thousand Buddha Mountain大明湖 Daming Lake祝你学习进步~~
Baotu Spring, Qianfo Hill, Daming Lake应该也就是这样了。不用刻意去翻译前面的两个汉字的


Baotu spring - is located in jinan lixia district, south depends on the above, the quancheng square in the east, north hope daming lake, the five dragon pool. Area of 158 mu, 5 a-class characteristics of spring garden, the first batch of key national park. The springs in jinan name spring seventy-two, has been hailed as a "day of the first spring", is the earliest in the ancient literature of jinan name spring.Baotu spring - is a symbol of the quancheng jinan and logo, and jinan, daming lake and above is called the three places of interest. Jinan baotu spring - the first of "seventy-two name spring". The first spring is known as "day".Song dynasty 曾巩 named as "baotu spring -" for it. Also have "sill spring", "moths the water", "hot springs" and "BaoLiu water", "three" of water, etc. So-called "BaoTu", namely the bouncing a rush about, reflects the baotu spring - three wat spurt spewing the restless characteristics.


Fellow tourists, fellow gentlemen, young lady, a group laborious, welcome you to come Baotu Spring to visit a park enjoys the spring. Our park beginning constructed in 1956, because in had Baotu Spring to acquire fame. Presently occupies the town center, is located west the source avenue the head. Around Baotu Spring was multitudinous, has formed the Baotu Spring group. The famous gold thread spring, rinses the jade spring, Ma Paoquan, lies Niu Quan, emperor Hua Quan, the willow catkin spring, the old gold thread spring, washes the earthen bowl spring, the spring, the screw spring, Man Jingquan, the non- sorrow spring, the white clouds spring, looks the spring, east Gao Quan, ascends the state spring, the Dukang liquor spring, mixes , Long Chiquan, the white dragon brand bay and so on, constituted head of the four big springs groups. Has become the spring city unique symbol crown of Baotu Spring as numerous springs.
114字哦···完全符合高三水平和要求的···没有太难的单词···没有太多多余的内容(如果单词太难或者有太多自己编的内容老师会扣分哦) Jinan is a mordern and lively city located in the eastern part of China and well-known for the numerous springs inside of it. Among all of the springs, Baotu Spring is certainly the most famous one and every year it attracts countless tourists to come to Jinan and visit it. Tourists also love the mild and pleasant climate of Jinan, it is never too hot or too cold there, the temperature is always at the most comfortable degree for people. The transportation condition is also satisfactory to the tourists. You can easily get to everywhere by bus or taxi, the drivers are really friendly and you will never be in traffic jams, as well.

文章TAG:baotuw  大明湖并称为济南三大名胜的翻译是什么意思  