
甜蜜 美满 等 这些都是很单一的了 大家都知道 那么有特点的就是 感激 幸运 真爱 和谐 感恩 奉贤



风一种能感觉到的东西, 云一种能看到的东西, 阳光一种既能看到也能感觉到的东西。 梦一种能记住的东西, 醒一种能意识到的东西, 人生一种既能记住也能意识到的东西。 时间一种不能被出卖的东西, 流逝一种不能抓住的东西, 爱一种不能出卖对于我也是一种抓不住的东西。 风起云涌,阳光依旧温暖,一梦一醒回忆过往人生,时光飞逝,真爱是否还留在心中。
风一种能感觉到的东西, 云一种能看到的东西, 阳光一种既能看到也能感觉到的东西。 梦一种能记住的东西, 醒一种能意识到的东西, 人生一种既能记住也能意识到的东西。 时间一种不能被出卖的东西, 流逝一种不能抓住的东西, 爱一种不能出卖对于我也是一种抓不住的东西。 风起云涌,阳光依旧温暖,一梦一醒回忆过往人生,时光飞逝,真爱是否还留在心中。的煽风点火规划 负电荷国际卡 蝮蛇毒素广告横幅 规范健康;; 焊接工具缓过劲来考虑 给对方嘎的道德风尚 电风扇很快
Helen Keller:“ One thing I slowly leaned was that knowledge does not just mean power, as some people say, knowledge leads to happiness because to have it is to know what is true and real. To know great men of the past have thought, said and done is to feel the heart beat of humanity down through the ages.”
我只想牵你的指尖,绕地球最后一圈! only want to pull your fingertip, circles Earth last!



给永远比拿快乐! 风会停、雨会止、笑着活下去! 这个世界上除了父母,没有人有义务对你好,对你好始出于交情,不对你好是应该…
Day which gets up in the black breeze blow, in saw the soft hail blood bird calls out in grief from out of the blue day, in the red violet blooms in the oriental cherry injury day, in you gain ground between the smiling face which lowers the head, in the millennium ten thousand year time crack and the crack, I always has tears streaming down the face. Because I always have not given full expression remember you. This is most brutal is also the gentlest captivity? the breeze blow has like the flower stave fleeting time, but your smiling face sways, becomes in my life the most beautiful embellishment, looks the day, looks at the snow, looks at the season deep shadow. every world making noise with bright, the common custom joy and the unhappiness, is similar to the clear mountain stream, in the wind, in me at present, gurgles, is similar to warm the water seepage wells up equally, I do not have the wild hope, so long as I you are joyful, does not want sad… 在黑色的风吹起的日子,在看到霰血鸟破空悲鸣的日子,在红莲绽放樱花伤势的日子里,在你抬头低头的笑容间,在千年万年的时光裂缝与罅隙中,我总是泪流满面。因为我总是意犹未尽地想起你。这是最残酷也是最温柔的囚禁吗? 风吹起如花般破碎的流年,而你的笑容摇晃摇晃,成为我命途中最美的点缀,看天,看雪,看季节深深的暗影。 凡世的喧嚣和明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福,如同清亮的溪涧,在风里,在我眼前,汨汨而过,温暖如同泉水一样涌出来,我没有奢望,我只要你快乐,不要哀伤...


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