
1,加油英语怎么说 falting


加油英语怎么说 falting


Refueling English
come on
cheer play up put on steam Refueling fighting go go
come on cheer up
make an extra effort
加油 [拼音] [jia you] to oil; to refuel; to fuel up; to lubricate to make an extra effort 相关词组 加油车 a refuelling truck; a refueller; a tank service truck 加油飞机 a tanker aircraft; an oil tanker 加油口 gas cap 加油添醋 to exaggerate a story; to give embellishment to a story; to add highly colored details to a story 加油站 a filling station; a petrol station; a gas station; a service station 空中加油飞机 a tanker plane 喷气式空中加油机 a jet tanker
come on


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