

While有两种意思,一种是当什么时候,例句:While I was watching TV ,a man broken into my house!还有一种是虽然的意思,表转折或对比,例句:I was watching TV while Lucy was playing computer game


2,用 while 造句

After a while she would be like any other city person .过不了多久,她就会像其他城市人一样了We would not stand by while the balance shifted against us .当局势不利的时候,我们不会坐视不管的

用 while 造句

3,用 while 造句子怎么造吗

While he is speaking, he like smiling.当他讲话时,他喜欢笑
I was doing my homework while my brother was playing in the garden.
while she was listening to the radio,she fell asleep.

用 while 造句子怎么造吗


Mother was cooking while father was reading 意思是 妈妈在做饭而爸爸在看书 while有“而”的意思
tree can made oxygen keep your while class aive
1.I was doing my homework while my mother came home. 2.My father was watch TV while my mother was washing clothes. 3.He was singing while she was dancing.4.I am writing an article while my cousin was playing computer games.5.They were having a party while the dog came.
While she was looking for him , the dog went away
they arrived while we were having dinner. 他们来的时候﹐我们正在吃饭. he was so tired he fell asleep while reading the newspaper. 他很累﹐看着报纸就睡着了.

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