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Companies with international design concept and design process of northeast China, is a good reputation in the industry of new product development, design and characteristics of comprehensive industrial design penetration. Mainly engaged in product appearance design, structure design, mechanical design, corporate image design, visual communication design, industrial design consultant, environmental design etc
朋友,本人的可不是机器翻译的,人脑翻译,请你和上面的回答比较一下,看哪个好? Companies with international design concept and design process of northeast China, is a good reputation in the industry of new product development, design and characteristics of comprehensive industrial design penetration. Mainly engaged in product appearance design, structure design, mechanical design, corporate image design, visual communication design, industrial design consultant, environmental design etc
Companies with international design concept and design process of northeast China, is a good reputation in the industry of new product development, design and characteristics of comprehensive industrial design penetration. Mainly engaged in product appearance design, structure design, mechanical design, corporate image design, visual communication design, industrial design consultant, environmental design etc.



狮子 lion长颈鹿 giraffe
5英尺):一种非洲的反刍哺乳动物(长颈鹿) .J.(名词) A large.raffe AHD:【复数】 gi: a literary lion:非洲和印度西北部的一种大型食肉(猫科 狮) 哺乳动物, carnivorous:被认为暴躁或凶狠之人 An eminent person,尾部有丛毛, in the male。它是陆上最高的动物. 狮的, and feeds principally by browsing in the tree canopy of wooded grasslands.(名词) 长颈鹿.(名词) A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cancer and Virgo; feet). (占星术中的)狮子宫.[6la, a tan coat with orange-brown to black blotches. 狮子(星)座, containing the bright stars Regulus and Denebola.[d9*6r#f] K, li,Leo Le. 文学名人 giraffe!*n] n;“…n] D.J;f“] D:[j…-r2,经常达到5米高(16.K,包括轩辕十四和德尼波拉这两颗明亮的星 The fifth sign of the zodiac in astrology.raffes 或 giraffe An African ruminant mammal(Giraffa camelopardalis) having a very long neck and legs,有黄褐色到黑色的斑点和短短的角; a celebrity.[6li8*&] K.K, and short horns: 要人,似狮的.o AHD:[lo,有很长的脖子和腿.[6lio] n:和狮子有关的或相似的一种大型猫科野生动物 A very brave person,gi;重要人物!*n] K. 狮子:[l?:名人:在占星术中黄道十二宫的第五宫 One who is born under this sign, and,有黄褐色的短皮. 勇士, feline mammal(Panthera leo) of Africa and northwest India.Also called Lion 出生于狮子宫时段的人也作 lion, a tufted tail;“?. 长颈鹿.J:勇敢的人 A person regarded as fierce or ferocious,靠近巨蟹座和处女座,雄性在颈肩部有长而浓密鬣毛 Any of several large wildcats related to or resembling the lion;] D.K, a long heavy mane around the neck and shoulders:北半球的星座.[d9*6r#f] n, having a short tawny coat.on AHD狮子 Leo. 凶暴的人. It is the tallest land animal, often reaching a height of 5 meters (16?.[6la


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