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6,60字英语作文bring me happiness

good friends can bring us happiness,going sightseeing? Many things around us can bring us happiness,such as going to the movies,for example,in the modern world there are more amusements than before,like surfing the InternetWhat can bring you happiness,going to the park,and he or she can make us happier when we feel lonely,going to the theater,playing balls.etc,A good friend can give us good advice and ideas when we meet something we can,t deal with ourselves .a good amusement ,playing cards,chatting on line
Friends bring me happiness. Because friends can share happiness and sorrow with me.I can feel comfortable when I play with friends.The more love you give your friends,the more repay you will get.Besides,friends can help me slove some problems.So while I am faceing difficulties I will not feel loney.What is more, freinds are benefit of knowing who you are and what should you improve to get along well with others.Last but not least,friends sometimes are the guide.They can bring you to a bright future.
纯手动原创,232个字,望采纳,嘻嘻happiness could be achieve not only through wealth, though this is something that most people would relate it to. happiness could be as simple as when you are tired, you have a bed in front of you waiting for you to sink in. happiness is when you are hungry and there is food on the table ready for you to dig in. therefore, happiness is not to be obsessed about what we do not possess, but it is rather stopping by to smell the roses, giving thanks to what we have and appreciating what is in front of us. happiness is not expensive, in fact most of the laughter in life comes free. a smile on a na?ve childs face would bring you joy, achieving something that you have been working really hard on will bring you joy, however this might take some time and persistency. do anything that makes you feel good and make the world your oyster, because life is too short to contemplate on how others would think about us, we have to start living for ourselves and that is where true happiness starts to bloom. therefore, there is only one person whom you should rely your happiness on, and that person is no other than yourself, because if you let your happiness depends on others, you are losing control of one important element in your life.
What can bring you happiness? Many things around us can bring us happiness,for example.good friends can bring us happiness,A good friend can give us good advice and ideas when we meet something we can,t deal with ourselves ,and he or she can make us happier when we feel lonely.a good amusement ,such as going to the movies,going to the theater,going to the park,playing balls,playing cards,going sightseeing,in the modern world there are more amusements than before,like surfing the Internet,chatting on line.etc. Friends bring me happiness. Because friends can share happiness and sorrow with me.I can feel comfortable when I play with friends.The more love you give your friends,the more repay you will get.Besides,friends can help me slove some problems.So while I am faceing difficulties I will not feel loney.What is more, freinds are benefit of knowing who you are and what should you improve to get along well with others.Last but not least,friends sometimes are the guide.They can bring you to a bright future.
riends bring me happiness, freinds are benefit of knowing who you are and what should you improve to get along well with others.They can bring you to a bright future. Because friends can share happiness and sorrow with me.I can feel comfortable when I play with friends.So while I am faceing difficulties I will not feel loney.Besides.The more love you give your friends,friends can help me slove some problems.What is more,the more repay you will get,friends sometimes are the guide.Last but not least

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