

访问1位首席执行官从总部法兰克福游客旅游办事处主要在铜锣湾,使网站访问我们的工厂在深圳的一天的访问,一切都必须是整洁和每个人穿着讲究的提供一个良好的印象,游客进度到达办公室在上午12 10:00a威严的强力。访问将持续三个小时办公室工作人员请收拾办公室,准备迎接他们回答问题
法兰克福总部会有一位CEO来访会考察铜锣湾总部并且参观深圳工厂访问当天,要求办公室务必整洁干净,所有员工穿戴整齐给访问者留下好映像计划到达办公室时间:20XX年8月12日 早10点访问时间3小时公司员工请清理办公室,准备迎接和回答问题
英文备忘录的一般格式如下:1.to(给谁) 2.from(谁写) 3.date(时间) 4.subject(主题) 5.body(内容)body即内容是备忘录的主要部分,写作应该力求简明、确切.首先应直入主题,列出最重要的信息,然后可以具体说明事由、情况,提出意见和建议等,最后可以根据具体情况或重申主题或表示医院或感谢.需要指出的是,备忘录得末尾不需要签名.



Because the classmates connections between many, but in the dormitory inconvenient, so please student services department to help us installing a telephone in each dormitory , for our convenient contact. The cost of the phone by our each dormitory unified out. Students service department best statistical dormitory information before the work , as to make the installation work simple. We also cooperate fully with the student services department, as soon as possible.



【谅解备忘录】是国际协议一种通常的叫法,memorandum of understanding,简称mou,直译为谅解备忘录。用中国人的说法就是协议。   意指“双方经过协商、谈判达成共识后,用文本的方式记录下来”,“谅解”旨在表明“协议双方要互相体谅,妥善处理彼此的分歧和争议”。由报道知:“谅解备忘录”相应的英文表达为“memorandum of understanding”,有时也可写成“memo of understanding”或“mou”。   日常生活中,memorandum(memo)常用来形容“为防遗忘而写的便条”,如memopad(记事本)。此外,与其搭配的词组有engagement memorandum(业务备忘录),audit memorandum(查帐备忘录)。



1. because the parents from some come Shenzhen, asks for leave to the department leaders goes to the airport to meet them quite a while, explained lags behind how the work does process. Schoolmate 2. some female telephones to the dormitory to look for your another schoolmate, will request you to pass on him to lend his English dictionary to give back to her in today, she must participate in the English four levels of tests next week. 3. writes an email for you some place relative, tells them you to plan when summer vacation sits any transportation vehicle where to take vacation, asked the vacation in the there concrete arrangement is anything.
英文备忘录的一般格式如下: 1.to(给谁) 2.from(谁写) 3.date(时间) 4.subject(主题) 5.body(内容) body即内容是备忘录的主要部分,写作应该力求简明、确切.首先应直入主题,列出最重要的信息,然后可以具体说明事由、情况,提出意见和建议等,最后可以根据具体情况或重申主题或表示医院或感谢.需要指出的是,备忘录得末尾不需要签名.

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