




The window, classroom, door, pictures, the blackboard and lights
window classroomdoor pictureblackboardlight百度会有音标和发音
window, classroom,door, board,light


3,电脑 风扇黑板电灯的英语单词怎么写

computer 英[k?m?pju:t?(r)] 美[k?m?pjut?] n. (电子) 计算机,电脑; electric fan 英[i?lektrik f?n] 美[??l?ktr?k f?n] n. 电风扇; 电扇; blackboard 英[?bl?kb?:d] 美[?bl?kb?:rd] n. 黑板; electric lamp 英[i?lektrik l?mp] 美[??l?ktr?k l?mp] [词典] 电灯;

电脑 风扇黑板电灯的英语单词怎么写


“电灯”的英文单词: electric lamp.短语:1、电灯插头 lamp plug;2、电灯电流 lamp current;3、电灯电路 lighting circuit;4、电灯吊线 cord pendant;5、电灯负载 lamp load。例句:1、电灯的光芒从天花板上辐射下来。The radiance of electric lights radiates from the ceiling. 2、从抑郁中生出的自由过去是、现在也是像我脑中的一个被打开的电灯开关。Freedom from the depression was, and still is, like a light switch being turned on in my head. 3、在电灯给予的灵感下,检查员安装了一种电子设备来吸引那种昆虫。Inspired by the lamp, the inspector installed an electrical installation to attract that kind of insect.


electric lamp 电灯 音标: 英 [i?lektrik l?mp] 美 [??l?ktr?k l?mp] 短语:1、电灯插头 lamp plug;2、电灯电流 lamp current;3、电灯电路 lighting circuit;4、电灯吊线 cord pendant;5、电灯负载 lamp load。双语例句:1.墙上插座的电线短路烧断了保险丝,电灯跟着灭了。The wire snapped at the wall plug and the light fused. 2.墙上插头处的电线啪地发出一道蓝光,电灯的保险丝烧断了。The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused. 3.他啪的一声打开了门边墙上的电灯开关。He flicked a light-switch on the wall beside the door. 4.电灯布线要安全稳妥。Lamps should be safely wired.5.电灯把篮球场照得亮堂堂的。Electric lights lit up the basket-ball ground. 6.夜里,珍珠般的电灯把街道映照得一片辉煌。At night, these streets are brilliant with pearly radiance of electricity. 7.电路的中断使电灯熄灭了。A break in the circuit caused the lights to go out. 8.村里家家户户都装上了电灯。Electric lights have been installed in every house of the village. 9.我们用玻璃球和电灯来装饰圣诞树。We decorated the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights. 10.她在黑暗中摸索着找电灯开关。She fumbled in the dark for the light switch.


灯的英语是lamp与lightlamp通常指以油、气或电为能源的照明设备,一般有罩。light普通用词,含义广泛。泛指一切供照明的灯,多指电灯。词汇介绍:一、lamp英 [l?mp] 美 [l?mp] n.灯;发热灯,照射灯例句:The lamp hung over the table.那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。二、light英 [la?t] 美 [la?t] n.光;发光体;电灯;点火器adj.轻的;明亮的;浅色的;少量的v.点燃;照亮;用光指引adv.轻地,轻装地例句:The light switch came away from the wall. 电灯开关从墙上掉下来了。扩展资料同义词辨析illuminate light lighten 【导航词义:照亮】1、illuminate (亦作illumine) v. 照亮,照明〔辨析〕指照亮某物或使某处充满光亮。〔例证〕The light illuminates the street.灯光照亮了大街。2、light v. 照亮〔辨析〕指照亮某个地方,通常用被动语态。〔例证〕The kitchen was poorly lit.厨房光线暗淡。3、lighten v. (使)明亮,(使)变亮〔辨析〕指变得比原来明亮,或使某物变得更加明亮。〔例证〕The bonfire lightened the sky.篝火照亮了天空。
灯,light 台灯,desk lamp; table lamp; reading lamp
linght — 泛指一般的灯,多数是在墙壁上或者是悬挂的。lamp — 可以指台灯,也可以与一些词搭配,指一些特定的灯,如:amber lamp (表示交通危险而悬挂的)黄色信灯;lantern — 灯笼burner — 偏向指灯光,火炉、煤油灯等的灯口
light 英[la?t] 美[la?t] n. 光; 发光体; 电灯; 点火器; adj. 轻的; 明亮的; 浅色的; 少量的; v. 点燃; 照亮; 用光指引; [例句]Cracks of light filtered through the shutters斑驳的光线透过百叶窗照射进来。[其他] 比较级:lighter 最高级:lightest 第三人称单数:lights 复数:lights现在分词:lighting 过去式:lit 过去分词:lit
light n. 光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟;浅色;天窗adj. 轻的;浅色的;明亮的;轻松的;容易的;清淡的vi. 点着;变亮;着火vt. 照亮;点燃;着火adv. 轻地;清楚地;轻便地n. (Light)人名;(英)莱特列句:Light emanated from all the windows of the house. 这座房子的所有窗户都射出灯光。英英释义:Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
灯(照明等用的发光器具) lamp; lantern; light:壁(台)灯 wall (desk) lamp床头(落地)灯 bedside (floor) lamp电灯 electric light宫灯 palace lantern煤油灯 kerosene lamp(燃烧液体或气体用来对别的东西加热的器具) burner:酒精灯 alcohol burner; spirit lamp喷灯 blowtorch; blowlamp(俗称电子管) valve; tube:六灯收音机 a six-valve radio set

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