
Chinese and English
chinese and english



1.We are just allowed crossing the road only when the green traffic light turns green. 2.Yesterday I helped an old person to shoulder a large package to go downstairs. 3.Do not walk fast nearby the swimming pool to push and shove, that is very dangerous. 4.Yesterday mother has the headache, I has made the lunch for her, and assure that she took the drug later. 5.I rush out of the room without saying anything. 6.Can you tell me what i shoud pay attention to about going to the museum? 7.Li Ming break his arm in playing basketball,and the teacher drive him to the hospital
5. crashed out the room without a word
1. Green traffic lights, we may be crossing the road. 2. Yesterday, I helped an old man carrying a large package Xialou. 3. Jizou not in the pool next to pushing, as very dangerous. 4. Mother headache yesterday, I made lunch for her, feeding her and then Chile Yao. 5. I also did not say a word out of the room on. 6. Can you tell me the museum should pay attention to what you ? 7. Shuaiduan Ming-playing basketball in the arm, the teacher drove him to the hospital.



A young man with a beautiful opening drive motor, and then motor breaks down, dumbfounded young man started, the beginning of发飙beauty. And then one old man led a mule, with a rope onto the motor, pulled away. Young and beautiful again intoxicated (labor-saving, environmental protection, non-failure). Mule said: mule pulling a good motor. --------- Motorized mule pull
A guy with a drive motor bikes, and beauty of the bad boys began to confess, beauty, into overdrive. The beauty say: what break motorcycle, you see that old man as the mule, now I would rather not do you sit mule, the broken The young man said, and mules can also, is similar, I please the old man with a mule Then a man brought a mule, and use rope of the motorcycle, pull away. Young and beautiful and start saving, environmental protection, intoxicated (without). A mule said: good bikes. To mule Motorized mule --
A young fellow operates the motor to lead the beautiful woman to catch the wind, then the motor has gone bad, the young fellow starts scared, the beautiful woman starts to act crazy. Then an old man pulls a mule, puts on with the string the motor, pulls is walking. The young fellow and the beautiful woman start to be infatuated with (reduce effort, environmental protection, trouble-free). the mule said: The good motor results in the mule to pull. ---------The motorized mule pulls
A young man with a beautiful opening drive motor, and then motor breaks down, dumbfounded young man started, the beginning of发飙beauty. And then one old man led a mule, with a rope onto the motor, pulled away. Young and beautiful again intoxicated (labor-saving, environmental protection, non-failure). Mule said: mule pulling a good motor. --------- Motorized mule pull
A young man with a beautiful opening drive motor, and then motor breaks down, dumbfounded young man started, the beginning ofbeauty. And then one old man led a mule, with a rope onto the motor, pulled away. Young and beautiful again intoxicated (labor-saving, environmental protection, non-failure). Mule said: mule pulling a good motor. --------- Motorized mule pull



相信大家对于中国联通、中国移动、中国电信这三家中国电信运营商的名字一点儿都不陌生,但是很多人在购买手机之后,高高兴兴回到家却发现号码在手机上使用不了,或者是原本想体验3G的高速上网,在手机中却依旧还是2G时代的龟速网络中,甚至还懵懵懂懂不知所解。那么,究竟是为什么,原本高速变成了龟速,甚至无法使用呢?----这是因为网络制式的限制问题。到这里可能会有人问:何为网络制式?相信很多人对于网络制式一知半解甚至不懂。今天我们就为大家解答疑惑,通过学习手机网络制式知识,让你茅塞顿开。国内电信运营商采用的网络制式包括:GSM、CDMA、WCDMA、TD-SCDMA、CDMA2000、LTE(FDD-LTE、TD-LTE),其中2G:GSM、CDMA;3G:WCDMA(UMTS)、TD-SCDMA、CDMA2000;4G:FDD-LTE、TD-LTE。联通和移动的2G制式采用的都是GSM制式,而电信2G采用的CDMA制式。而3G制式中,WCDMA为联通3G,TD-SCDMA为移动3G,CDMA2000为电信3G。也就是说,手机中支持对应的网络制式即可支持对应运营商的号码使用。联通和移动2G采用相同的GSM制式,所以2G号码可以在联通和移动手机中互用,而电信的号码却只能在CDMA/CDMA2000的手机中使用不能与移动联通互用。现在市面上的3G手机,大多都支持两种制式以上,如联通3G手机支持GSM/WCDMA,移动3G手机支持GSM/TD-SCDMA,电信3G手机支持GSM/CDMA2000/WCDMA,此类手机即双模手机。双模:就是指手机支持两种网络制式。现在的3G手机大多是双模手机,WCDMA手机兼容GSM制式,TD-SCDMA手机兼容GSM制式,CDMA2000手机兼容CDMA制式。还有跨制式的双模,如GSM/CDMA双模。 看到这里,聪明的人就会知道,没错,由于3G制式兼容2G网络,所以支持2G制式的手机也可以支持3G号码上网。不过由于制式的限制,上网速率最高只能达到2G的速率而达不到3G速率。3G号码只能在3G制式的手机中才能达到3G的网速。在所在区域内3G网络信号不稳定甚至无3G信号的情况下,可以向下切换2G网络上网,避免3G用户在无3G信号时发生无网可上的情况。但是这里有点不同,一部手机如果同时支持GSM/CDMA制式的双模也未必能用三家的卡,如HTC S710d虽然支持GSM/CDMA制式,但是还是只能用电信卡,不但因为这部手机是电信定制,还因为这部手机是双模单待单卡。目前在中国大陆地区来说,一部手机要能同时使用三家运营商的卡,就要是双模双卡双待,同时双模是GSM/CDMA双模。说到上网,在实际使用中如何区分使用的是什么网络呢?中国移动的手机网络制式图标有四种,分别是:“G,E,T,H”。G:全称为GPRS,俗称2.5G,属2G网络,是基于GSM制式的数据传输模式,这是早期的无线网络传输方式,传输速率理论峰值可以达到114Kbps。E:全称为EDGE,俗称2.75G,仍属2G网络,也是基于GSM制式的数据传输模式,这是比较主流的无线网络传输方式,传输速率理论峰值可以达到384Kbps。T:全称:TD-SCDMA,俗称3G,属3G网络,这是具有国家自主知识产权的技术,但此技术目前尚处于起步阶段,传输速率理论峰值可以达到3025.6Kbps。H:全称:HSPA,移动的也称TD-HSPA。分为HSDPA和HSUPA两种,俗称3.5G,仍属3G网络,基于TD-SCDMA技术。手机会根据信号强度自动在“G,E,T,H”四个频段之间进行切换。中国电信的手机网络制式图标有两种,分别是:“1X,3G”。1X:全称为CDMA 1X,属2G网络,这是早期的CDMA无线网络传输方式,传输速率理论峰值可以达到153.6Kbps。3G:全称为CDMA 2000,属3G网络,是基于EVDO制式的数据传输模式,这是比较主流的无线网络传输方式,传输速率理论峰值可以达到3.1Mbps。手机会根据信号强度自动在“1X,3G”两个频段之间进行切换。中国联通的手机网络制式图标有五种,分别是:“G,E,3G,H,H+”。G:全称为GPRS,俗称2.5G,属2G网络,是基于GSM制式的数据传输模式,这是早期的无线网络传输方式,传输速率理论峰值为114Kbps。E:全称为EDGE,俗称2.75G,仍属2G网络,也是基于GSM制式的数据传输模式,这是比较主流的无线网络传输方式,传输速率理论峰值可以达到384Kbps。3G:全称WCDMA,属3G网络,这是比较主流的无线网络传输方式,传输速率理论峰值可以达到14.4Mbps。H:全称:HSPA,分为HSDPA和HSUPA两种,俗称3.5G,仍属3G网络,基于WCDMA技术。H+:全称HSPA+或DC-HSPA+,属于3G网络的升级,HSPA+传输速率理论峰值可以达到21Mbps,而DC-HSPA+传输速率理论峰值可以达到42Mbps。注:联通目前大部分地市已经覆盖了42M网络,是21M网络的两倍,全称DC-HSPA+,但目前国内手机在使用42M网络的情况下,手机网络标志仍然显示的是H+手机会根据信号强度自动在“G,E,3G,H,H+”五个频段之间进行切换。在2014年,工信部发下了TD-LTE的4G牌照,各大运营商都在积极筹备建设4G网络,根据目前数据来看国内的4G网络能够以100Mbps—150Mbps的速度下载,上传的速度也能达到40Mbps,并几乎能够满足所有用户对于无线网络服务的要求。虽然单单从网络速率上即可看出4G网络比3G网络优势来,但是对于国内未曾有多么成熟的4G和支持4G的手机稀少程度来说,3G仍然是当前不可或缺的哦。

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