
are you ready?准备好了吗?你是想问这个吗?
ready and go





3,为做准备 用英语怎么说俩个

Get ready to dobe ready for...do preparations for...prepare for...prepare for sth
最好用prepare for
Prepare for sthPrepare to doGet ready for sthGet ready to do
prepare for get ready for 都可以

为做准备 用英语怎么说俩个


prepare/get ready for sth/be ready to do sth. prepare for doing sth
正在为某事做准备工作用prepare to do something有这个计划干某事用plan to do something
be ready to do sth.prepare for doing sth.


英语属于基础性学科,如果本科阶段学习情况很好,考研复习相对就会轻松一些;如果本科基础不够扎实,四、六级只是勉强过关,那么就要进行坚苦卓绝的长期复习了。具体细节复习方法上面说的比较仔细了,我再补充几点: 一、对考试大纲及样题要熟悉 考试大纲是英语方面的指导总则,关于读写译等各方面能力、各种题型考法有着明确的阐释说明。对于考试全过程、试卷题型分布也进行了说明。考试大纲中提出的样题展示了出题的形式和难度,可以通过大纲样题明显体会到命题思路和重点。 二、强化词汇、语法、长难句 关于词汇,大纲要求的考研基本词汇,要把其看作基本常识熟记。除了考试大纲外,所选择的考研词汇书最好有单词的搭配,在记单词的同时把词组和用法同时掌握。应特别注意单词的最后几种含义,这很有可能成为阅读中的最大障碍。关于语法,可以寻找一本最薄、最简单的语法指导材料,短时间系统精读一遍。不要放过例句,要把语法现象和例句充分结合在一起加以阅读领会。考研英语语法的重点不是虚拟语气,而是复合句中的从句知识。阅读、综合填空、翻译中都会出现较多的长难句需要考生分析解剖。在大量接触真题前有必要对语法知识进行透彻的复习,掌握了这些语法工具,就可以在复杂的真题语言中解剖拆分,处理好每一个长难句。 三、阅读复习以历年真题为核心,反复研习 阅读理解占考试的60分,决定着英语考试的成败,也是复习中的关键。最好的复习材料就是历年的全真考题,这些题目最能反映大纲要求和命题思路。反复研习历年真题,就能发现文章涉及到大量社科尤其是经济类文章。 四、翻译中掌握4步定位分析法 英译汉需要扎实的双语功底和高超的语法、词汇能力。面对试题中的5个下划线长句要采取合理的解题步骤四步定位法。①结构分析:运用从句知识识别句子中出现的定语从句、状语从句、同位语从句、插入语及平行结构等。②句子切分:把长句拆分成若干个部分,逐个理解体会。③词义推敲:对于一词多义和代词指代要放到上下文的环境里仔细推敲。④检查核对:当把各个部分的语义合并到一起后,认真审核汉语的准确度、流畅度和优美度。 五、写作要以不变应万变,在规律中追求变化,但在日常复习中应更趋向于累积。 最后,给你推荐几本感觉还不错的参考书: 一、郑重推荐老俞的词汇书《词根+联想》,此书结构清晰,单词及词义的选择非常精当。 二、同时,强烈推荐王林的英语真题宝典《考研真相》,解析之详尽和重点(词汇注释和难句解析)之突出,无出其右者。 三、再次,推荐胡敏的阅读200篇,分基础提高冲刺三种难度,编排非常合理,适合面较广。 四、推荐王建华的《写作160篇》,此书编排思路曾引起考研界强烈争议,但至今为止仍是话题最全、内容较新的话题写作第一宝典。 五、推荐新航道《四步定位翻译法》,方法独到,效果比较好。 希望对你复习有所帮助,祝你成功!


The topic of this graduated design is the management system of clients relations. During current complex trade society, the efficient management of clients relations has become the means which can improve and keep the enterprise more competitive. As the fast development of computer, automated management has instead of the traditional module of false management. It can not only save the manpower, reduce the cost, but also improve the management, which boosts the competition for enterprise. As the result, the management system of clients relations will emerge as the times require. First of all, we should analyze the system requirements, the market demand and feasibility demand for the back group of system exploitation, and then decide this system operated in Windows XP through the confirmation of technique scheme. Adopt the exploitation and design of VB, the databank so we can realize it by the ACCESS 2003. And then, we can design the elementary functions module for the system; next we will begin the design process of databank, and expatiate the functions of system. As the design of databank, it will show the definition of databank list, so to realize further system that shows the module constitution of system, the functions of different module, and the frondose method and core code of procedure for these modules. The main functions including: the information management of clients area, the information management of clients, query management of clients relations, popedom enactment and so on. After design, we should debug the whole system, so the whole design of VB clients management system could more perfect. Key words: clients relations management, query, feedback information 自己看看怎么样``人为翻译的``放心

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