

1.重力 重力 2.正比 G=mg 质量 重力 9.8牛/千克 3.弹簧测力计 490 4.曲线 重力 竖直向下 重心 重力 运动状态 5.竖直向下 竖直 重垂线 竖直 水平 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.B 11.1470牛 2克 12.D 应该对的,我们老师讲的



你要第几题的答案?是人教版的么?全部打出来很麻烦的……于是,我决定伟大一回……1、欣 絮 期2、略(把课文抄下来就行了)3、世说新语 南朝宋 刘义庆撒盐空中差可拟 未若柳絮因风起 示例:星辰点点落平宇 / 纷攘鹅毛空中舞(这两个是我想的,你也可以自己编)4、通“否” 丢下 拉 回头看5、陈太丘 友陈太丘 陈太丘朋友 朋友6、君与家君期日中,日中不至,则是无信;对子骂父,则是无礼。7、约定 这8、饮酒乐,天又雨。9、虽然快乐,但怎么可以不赴约呢?10、可以看出魏文侯具有守信用的美德。11、示例:我认为元方做法妥当,因为从友人骂父亲“非人哉”可以看出友人十分粗俗,对粗俗的人没必要以礼相待。于是,看在我那么辛苦翻箱倒柜找2年前的七上作业本还把答案全部打出来的份上,给我送点分吧……我可以帮助你,你先设置我最佳答案后,我百度Hii教你。



第一大题 1题 188.4 244.92 282.6 2题 157 3题 72 24 4题3.14 5题36 第二大题 2号3号 s侧 12.56*5=6.28 s底2*2*3.14=12.56 s表62.8+12.56=75.36 v=sh=2*2*3.14*5=62.8 第三大题是 大的体积是 v=sh=2*2*3.14*5 小的体积是 v=sh=1*1**3.14=15.7 体积是6.28—15.7=47.1 大的面积是 s侧=4*3.14*5=62.8 s底=2*2*3.14=12.56 s表=62.8+(12.56*2)=87.92 小的面积是 s侧=1*3.14*5=31.4 s底是 1*1*3.14=3.14 3.14+3.14=6.28 一共的面积是87.92+31.4=119.32 119.32—6.28=113.4



Tom is in the (hospital) .He wants to go to the (cinema).First,he turns (right) at the first turning.Then he goes(straight).When he sees the traffic lights,he turns(left).He sees the cinema (on)the (right).Its near the bookstore.
  Tom is in the (hospital).He wants to go to the (oinema).First,he turns (right) at the first turning.Then he goes(straight).When he sees the traffic lights,he turns(left).He sees the cinema (on)the (right).Its near the bookstore.
Tom is in the (hospital).He wants to go to the (oinema).First,he turns (right) at the first turning.Then he goes(straight).When he sees the traffic lights,he turns(left).He sees the cinema (on)the (right).Its near the bookstore.
1.beijing is far from hangzhou. 2.the bookstore is in front of the school. 3.excuse me, where is the cinema? 4.bank is next to the my home.


一、。 1. B 2. D 3. C. 4. C 5. A. 二、 1. I cant wait to tell you 2. Iam afraid (that) 3. I often feel a bitsad 4. I am quite tall, with longhair 三、 1. In Central Park. 2. For a coffeeand a hamburger. 3. Because he thoughtthe man was a pickpocket. 4. On thetable at home. 5. He was honest, bravebut careless. undefined 四、 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C 五、My FavouriteTeacher Ive got many good teachers. But my favourite one is our Englishteacher, Miss Lin. Shes about thirty years old and she looks very pretty. She is quitetall with short hair and a pair of glasses. She often wears jeans and T-shirt.She likes singing and doing sports. She works hard and she is very strict withus. She spends a lot of time taking care of us and helping us with our lessons.She often talks to us and encourages us when we get bad marks or do somethingwrong. Anyway, she is not only our goodteacher but also our good friend. She is one of the best teachers in ourschool. Im proud ofher.


In peoples life, they will face many difficulties, most people can conquer those hard times and keep moving on. Making mistake is the difficulty that everyone will have to face, no one is perfect, how to treat the mistake is very important. Some people will choose to ignore their mistakes and tell lies, because they are afraid of being condemned. While some people will choose to face their mistakes and learn to fix the mistakes. I appreciate the latter people, they are honest and take the right attitude towards making mistakes. Making mistake is not horrible, people can learn from those mistakes and become mature, after all, it will take some price to grow up.
蔬菜宝贝[新手] sectionb 第一大题 1.newspaper2.news3.hard4.summer5.magazine6.young7.play8.as9.at10.stories 第二大题 1.free2.stories3.waiter4.reporter5.actor6.dangerous7.hard8.in9.young10.boring 第三大题 1.to work late2.job for as3.call at4.likes to talk with5.for as6.to be in play7.wants doctor8.call police at 第四大题 1.future2.player3.doing4.teacher5.musician6.games7.dreams8.same9.learn10.can 第五大题 1.c 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.d 8.b 9.d 10.a 11.a 12.c 13.b 14.c 15.d 第六大题 1.what do you want to be 2.does your brother want to be an actor 3.where does the shop assistant work 4.the police officer woks in the police station 5.i count a lot of money for other people every day 第七大题 1.dangerous 2.busy 3.difficult 4.interesting 5.fun 6.excitng 7.boring 8.hard 9.reporter 10.actor 第八大题 1.d 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.a 不好意思,只有sectionb的


活动记录:略 课堂练习: 1.判断题。(1)√ (2)√ (3)× 2. (1)剪刀、筷子、老虎钳(尖嘴钳)、螺丝刀 (2)(从左到右依次为)园林剪、剥线钳、扳手、天平、镊子 2、、、、杠杆的科学杠杆的科学杠杆的科学杠杆的科学 活动记录:略 课堂练习: 1、(1)支点;用力点;阻力点。 (2)费力;不省力也不费力;省力。 2.(因图片位置关系,点很难做到精确) 阻力点 支点 用力点 支点 (1) 用力点 或阻力点 阻力点 或用力点 省力 不省力也不费力 3、、、、杠杆类工具的研究杠杆类工具的研究杠杆类工具的研究杠杆类工具的研究 活动记录:省力、费力、省力 课堂练习:1.费力 省力 (因无作业本上的图,用文字表示:手握处为用力点、夹着东西处为阻力点。
活动记录:略 课堂练习: 1.判断题。(1)√ (2)√ (3)× 2. (1)剪刀、筷子、老虎钳(尖嘴钳)、螺丝刀 (2)(从左到右依次为)园林剪、剥线钳、扳手、天平、镊子 2、、、、杠杆的科学杠杆的科学杠杆的科学杠杆的科学 活动记录:略 课堂练习: 1、(1)支点;用力点;阻力点。 (2)费力;不省力也不费力;省力。 2.(因图片位置关系,点很难做到精确) 阻力点 支点 用力点 支点 (1) 用力点 或阻力点 阻力点 或用力点 省力 不省力也不费力 3、、、、杠杆类工具的研究杠杆类工具的研究杠杆类工具...、筷子、省力 课堂练习;用力点,点很难做到精确) 阻力点 支点 用力点 支点 (1) 用力点 或阻力点 阻力点 或用力点 省力 不省力也不费力 3:手握处为用力点.判断题、镊子 2。(1)√ (2)√ (3)× 2;省力、: 1活动记录. (1)剪刀、杠杆的科学杠杆的科学杠杆的科学杠杆的科学 活动记录、杠杆类工具的研究杠杆类工具的研究杠杆类工具的研究杠杆类工具的研究 活动记录:1;阻力点:略 课堂练习、、、天平: 1、老虎钳(尖嘴钳)。 2.(因图片位置关系、螺丝刀 (2)(从左到右依次为)园林剪、剥线钳;不省力也不费力:略 课堂练习、、扳手、(1)支点:省力。 (2)费力,用文字表示、费力.费力 省力 (因无作业本上的图、夹着东西处为阻力点、

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