
1,出版 这个的英文短语怎么说

你好!出版publish 英[?p?bl??] 美[?p?bl??] vt. 出版,发行; 发表,宣布(结婚等); 公布,颁布; 出版…的著作; [例句]They publish reference books他们出版工具书。
come out publish也可以,但是come out不能用被动

出版 这个的英文短语怎么说


主动式是 publish,如果想表达某刊物发行,用被动语态 be published。【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。祝你进步。请尽快采纳。
出版 : publish 发行 : distribute


3,英语 get out 是什么意思

您好:滚出去双语对照词典结果:get out[英][ɡet aut][美][ɡ?t a?t]出来; 出版; (使)出现; 作出; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The basic advice is the same: get out of the office. 最基本的一条建议是:走出办公室。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

英语 get out 是什么意思

4,你的新书什么时候出版 英语怎么说

1.be published/be due 2.Take care of the traffic light when passing the crossing. 3.D 主句谓语动词said是过去式,故从句中的动词要用过去式,选D
1.你的新书什么时候出版? When will your new book be published? 2.过马路要注意红灯. _Watch the traffic lights when go across the cross roads_______________________.

5,英语翻译COME ON

She is allowed to practise working in nursing.At last,I gave up the job.She rolled up the sleeves and began to prepare herself for dinner.They have managed to complete the task in spite of the difficulties.Now a car would cost a lot of money because of the high oil price.
Allowed her to practise nursing.At last,i give up the job.She roll up sleeves began to prepare for dinner. They still managed to complete the task in spite of many difficulties.Because of the high oil prices, now has a car would cost a lot of money.
出现,出来;出版,发表;结果是;开花,发芽;透露,传出;公之于世;(真相)大白:显出,显露,露出; 初次进入社交界;初次登台;初露锋芒; 结果是,结局:考试结果…,考第…名; (照片)照得(好坏),洗出(清晰等); (算术题)被算出,被解出;洗掉;褪色:. 罢工: [俚语]公开搞同性恋爱,公开同性恋身份,公开宣称自己为同性恋者: 表明态度,提出主张:come out +介词(to 或者 for,根据实际的语境,甚至不需要)希望我的答案能帮到你,祝好!~
She was allowed to practise nursing.Finally, i gave up the job.She rolled up her sleeve, and prepared herself for dinner.The trid their best to finish the mission in spite of difficulties.Because of the high petrol price, it is a lot of money to buy a car now.


出版:publish 部门:department 业余:amateur 报刊:the press 推广:popularize
1. (把著作等编印成图书报刊的工作) come off the press; appear; publish; come outBe conscientious and make a good job of publication.认真做好出版工作。The new dictionary will appear next week.新字典下星期出版。It will come off the press in the first half of next year.它明年上半年可以出版。When will the book be published?这本书什么时候出版? 1. department; branch; class; sectioncommunications department;交通部门departments and commissions under the central leadership;中央各部门various government departments;政府各部门the department responsible for the work;主管部门the department concerned;有关部门blind department;(邮局中)处理无法投递信件的部门In a big department store, there are numerous departments selling different kinds of goods.大百货公司里有许多部门分售各类商品。Industry and agriculture are the two important sectors of the national economy.工业和农业是国民经济的两个重要部门。 1.(工作时间以外的) sparetime; after-hoursrun sparetime class办业余进修班2.(非专业的) amateur 报刊 [bào kān] 基本释义汉汉释义1. (报纸、期刊总称) newspapers and periodicals; the press; journal 1. popularize; spread; extend; generalizationspread the scientific method of management;推广科学管理方法popularize research results;推广科研成果popularize the common speech (putong hua); popularize the common spoken Chinese;推广普通话spread [disseminate] advanced experience;推广先进经验popularize and apply scientific and technical achievements;推广应用科技成果disseminate and apply major scientific and technological research achievements推广应用重大科技成果

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