


2,急需 周末就要到了你父母想带你到杭州旅游 写6080的英语作文

杭州哪里好玩问题: 希望可以帮到你: 玩的:南有就溪烟树、西湖,灵隐寺,岳坟.六和塔、虎跑泉、龙井茶、八卦田;东有钱塘江、杭州城东 商业繁华;北有运河民俗人家、商业旧地拱宸繁茂、墅院幽幽独赏清雅;西有西湖天下闻名、灵隐更是咫尺天涯!新老十景、特色步行、纪念先人各个地方都无不体现着杭州浓郁的人文特色与2000多年历史文化,宋城遗址、明清民宅、旧人故居等等。 吃的话,川妹子等外地的不说,本地的:龙井虾仁、西湖莼菜、西湖醋鱼、叫化童子鸡、东坡肉、来自箫山的萝卜干、绍兴的酶菜扣肉、奎元馆的虾爆鳝、九百碗的老鸭宝、状元馆的回锅肉、知味馆的小吃等待!

急需 周末就要到了你父母想带你到杭州旅游 写6080的英语作文


I had read and heard about Hangzhou is a nice tourist spot. I went there during this summer holiday. I went to the famous West lake with my parents on one saturday. We climbed the LeiFeng tower and walked around the parks.. We also visited the underwater world of hangzhou. As it was on the weekend, the place was very crowded. I like Hangzhou, I will go there again next year.



We spent three days in Hangzhou. If there is a heaven on earth then this is it!The city is known for the charming West Lake, it attracts many tourists. It was exciting to see the Dragon Boat Race(赛龙舟). Boating around the West Lake, strolling through the old streets and listening to myths and legends, you will be attracted by the beauty of Hangzhou and treasure your memories forever.(72字)
the education level in the countryside still keeps very low. the enrollment of primary schools and secondary schools is much lower compared with the advanced regions, not to mention the developed countries in the world. without good education, the development of economy and technology would be a dream dif旦碃测度爻道诧权超护ficult to be realized.
We spent three days in Hangzhou. If there is a heaven on earth then this is it!The city is known for the charming West Lake, it attracts many tourists. It was exciting to see the Dragon Boat Race(赛龙舟). Boating around the West Lake, strolling through the old streets and listening to myths and legends, you will be attracted by the beauty of Hangzhou and treasure your memories forever

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