
some people ····是主句。 when linda shouted his name是复合句



I think that you are right
When he was sheeping,his mother was cook. 在他睡觉时,他妈妈在做饭(时间状语从句)



能把一句话 变出 十个复合句 那才叫nb 主语从句what i study is english. 宾语从句i think i should study english . 表语从句 english`is what i am studying. 同位语从句 this is the fact that i have studied english. 定语从句 this is the place where i study english . english,which helps me a lot, is very useful. as we know ,english is studied all over the country. 状语从句if i were you ,i would study english hard. when he came in,i was studying english. while i was studying english, he came in.



what 引导名词性从句,例如主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句;where,who,whom都是引导定语从句,解释说明先行词,另外where也可引导地点状语从句。区分where是引导定语还是地点状语从句,关键在于where前是否有先行词 ,有的话则是引导定语从句。eg.We left the village where we had lived for twenty years. 要弄懂复合句,关键是掌握从句。你可以找些复杂的句子,试着去划分句子结构。这有助于你理解句子的意思,也能让你更清楚从句的用法。当然,你需要了解基本的从句定义或者说是含义。 这期间。你需要找一个能给你指出错误的学习伙伴。可以请教一下同学或是老师。关键是自己去用心理解,这样慢慢地就会用了。 另外,当你有灵感的时候,可以用英文写点东西,尽量写些复杂句。这也是你写作的亮点啊!
美国老师如何讲解英语句型结构 英语所有的句型结构,无非可划分为四种: I. 简单句(Simple sentence)主语+谓语+宾语 I love my Mom. I go to school everyday. (简单句未免太小儿科了, 不能代表一个成年人的思维水平.这就是为什么我们很少见到大量的简单句出现) II. 复合句( Compound Sentence) Beijing is in the North and Nanjing is in the South. (特点:When two independent clauses, or complete sentences are joined together, they form one compound sentence. 复合句是由两个独立的句子组合在一起构成的。例句中,有下面两个完整并且独立的句子组成: Beijing is in the North. Nanjing is in the South. III. 复杂句(Complex Sentence) My uncle, who is seventy years old, works on a farm. (特点:When an independent clause and a dependent clause are joined together; they form one complex sentence. 复合句是由一个独立的句子加一个从句构成的。) China is a country that its history is very long. China is a country. (独立句子) That its history is very long (从句) IV. 复杂句+复合句(Compound sentence+ Complex sentence) Studying English is important because a lot of jobs need people know English; moreover, learning English helps people understand other countrys culture. 整体看,这是一个由 moreover 连接的复合句,前后两句都在谈论学英语的重要性,两个独立完整的句子。但第一句话中又包含了一个由because 引导的从句。 你知道英语中最常用的句型是什么句子吗? 复杂句 (complex)。 My American teacher said,” The most common sentence pattern is complex sentence, because language reflects life.” 为什么不是复合句呢? She said, “How many things are equal in our life?” 看来因为生活中复杂的事情要多于并列的同等的事情,所以英语中复杂句多于简单句。 总结: 如何区分复合句(compound sentence)。复杂句(complex) ? 都有两个句子组成,复合句中,两个句子独立表达完整的意思,能独立存活。 复杂句由一个主句和一个从句组成,其中的从句不能独立表达一个完整的意思。 复合句就好像婚姻中的男人和女人,他们各自都有自己独立的人格和思想,组合成一个家庭,但谁离了谁都能活。而复杂句则好像妈妈和孩子,孩子不能独立存活,依附于妈妈,当孩子和妈妈在一起的时候,也许修饰妈妈的头 (主语从句),也许修饰身体(谓语从句),也许修饰妈妈的腿 (宾语从句),其实根本没必要深度研究从句的类型,一眼就能看出从句在说什么。过多的强调从句的种类是把语法搞复杂化,使学习者confuse。 见到复合句,抓住每个句子的idea,把他们分开来看,也就变成两个简单句,理解起来就容易了。 转贴自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5765bcf70100dpy8.html

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