



1.W: Hello, may I help you?M: Yes, we would like to check into our room.2.W: Come on, John! Relax! What can go wrong?M: At my first job interview? Plenty3.M: Good morning, madam, what can I do for you?W: Well, someone at the hotel suggested I come here to buy a coat.4.W: I gave Dave 300 dollars for his sponsored concert.M: 300 dollars? Sandy, you must be mad! I wish I had 300 dollars to throw round like that.5.M: Shall I come and take you to the railway station?W: No, thanks, Ill manage. Its not far any way.6. W: How many children have you got?M: Two. Johns five and Clairs four. And theres another one on the way.7. W: Do you know how I can stop drinking too much coffee?M: No, but I wish I did. I spend too much money at cafes.8. W: Could you give me a hand moving this cupboard, please?M: Well, Id rather not if you dont mind. Im not feeling well today.9. M: Tom s house is a mess! Doesnt he ever clean it?W: I guess he just has too much ails on his mind with that new job10.M: I didnt have any trouble in finding accommodation in Britain.W: According to my experience, it sounds too good to be true.passage 1:Well, I own a small data processing company, in which I employ about eight to ten workers. And the point I want to make has to do with trust. I know its possible to force people to be 100% efficient. But I think when you do that, you lose confidence and trust. I let my employees use our equipment and make personal phone calls. They are more than welcome to decide what is right and wrong. Because I think you cant run a company by just giving orders to robots and watching them like big brother, right? I think you have to trust people and give them a little freedom. And also, as far as phone calls and all that go, I want my people to call home and check on their children and know their children are safe and sound. As a result, I have devoted employees who are willing to go that extra mile and I can honestly say they show up to work smiling. So I get more satisfaction and rewards by trusting my employees than by suspecting them of doing something wrong.Passage 2Questions14-16 are based on the following passage:The roots of Canadian English can be found in the events which followed the American revolution of 1776. Those who had supported Britain found themselves unable to stay in the new United States, and most went to Canada. They were soon followed by many thousands who were attracted by the cheapness of land. Within 50 years, the population of upper Canada had reached 100 thousand, mainly people from the United States. In the east, the Atlantic provinces had been settled by English speakers as early as the 15th century, but even today, these areas contain less than ten per cent of the population, so that they have only a limited role in the development of Canadian English. In Quebec, the majority of people use French as a mother tone. Here English and French exist together but uneasily. Because of its origins, Canadian English has a great deal in common with the rest of the English spoken in North America, and is often difficult to distinguish for people who live outside the region. To British people, Canadians may sound American; to Americans, they may sound British. Canadians themselves insist on not being identified with either, and certainly, there is a great deal of evidence in support of this view. section CDirections: in Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17-20 are based on the following conversation:A: Good morning, Leeds University students registration center.B: Good morning, I need to register for a class.A: OK. May I take your name, please?B: Sure, its Andrew Smith.A: Which department do you study with?B: The history department.A: May I have your student ID?B: HD3309.A: What class are you trying to take?B: I want to take a photography class.A: Well, therere only two classes open.B: Can you tell me what days the classes are on?A: One is on Tuesday, from 2 pm. to 4 pm.B: And the other?A: From 10:00 to 12:00 on Thursday.B: OK, sign me up for the class on Tuesday.A: Very well, then.Complete the form. Write one word for each answer.Blanks 21-24 are based on the following conversation:A: Welcome to our program, Anny. Please tell our audience the best things about the experiment in international living.B: Well, my group was great! And I love my host family.A: Can you tell us about your group?B: Well, we were all high school students from the US. But we were very different.A: You mean from different cities, with different religions and cultures?B: Yes, and I was existed about that. We learnt that we werent really so different.A: What do you mean?B: Well, we became such good friends. More than friends, we were like a family.A: Wonderful. Id like to know more about your host family.B: Oh, I loved my host family in Costa Rica. They were my family, too. I felt like I was their daughter.A: So nice! Did you have any problems speaking with them?B: No, not really. Actually, I learnt a lot of Spanish from them. And I also learnt that language is not always so important.A: What do you mean?B: Well, in some cases, a simple smile can say more than words.A: Thanks so much, Anny.Complete the form. Write no more than 3 words for each answer.



我试了下面兄弟发的地址,可是无法下载。通过寻找发现,现在网站上的听力都需要注册并且收费。但我还是找到了: 08年高考湖北省英语听力: 题目:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5ece3d690100bx0o.html 听力: 08年高考湖南英语听力: 题目:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5ece3d690100bx0r.html 听力:http://down.ks5u.com/DownLoad.asp?code=578465&path=124817 08上海高考英语听力原文: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/96534773.html?si=1 真找我半个多小时!你今天做了我大爷!



2007上海高考听力原文\答案与分析(6月中旬完成的,忘了放到网上和新高三同学共享)听力试题:I. Listening Comprehension Part A Short Conversations Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question youve heard.1. A. Coke. B. Coffee. C. Tea. D. Water.2. A. At a restaurant. B. At a studio. C. At a concert. D. At a theatre.3. A. Relieved. B. Worried. C. Confused. D. Depressed.4. A. The Browns. B. The Browns son. C. The postman. D. The neighbour.5. A. At 7:00. B. 7:10. C. 9:00. D. 9:10.6. A. The ring is not hers. B. She doesnt have gold rings. C. She prefers gold to silver. D. She lost her silver ring.7. A. The screen doesnt have to be cleaned. B. The keyboard also needs cleaning. C. The man shouldnt do the cleaning. D. Theres not enough time to clean both.8. A. The driver will sop the bus immediately. B. The guy by the door will help the woman. C. The woman should check the map. D. He will tell the woman when to get off.9. A. She dislikes fireworks. B. She has plans for the evening. C. She doesnt feel like going out. D. She has to get theatre tickets.10.A. They cant see the stars clearly. B. Theyre not in the city tonight. C. Theyre looking at the stars from the city. D. Theyre talking about movie stars.Part B Passages Directions: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question youve heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A. It can make her famous. B. It is easy and rewarding. C. It is dangerous but exciting. D. It has its moving moment.12.A. Somebody was killed. B. Nobody was injured. C. Karen was physically hurt. D. Many buildings exploded.13.A. A fierce war. B. A serious injury. C. A terrible explosion. D. A brave journalist.Questions 14 through 14 are based on the following passage.14.A. Internet use is increasing quickly in rural and urban areas. B. More and more rural residents have Internet access. C. People have a limited choice of Internet providers. D. City residents use the Internet frequently.15. Over 2 million. B. Around 6 million. C. 23 million. D. 17 million.16. A. More girls have their own websites than boys. B. 1 in 4 kids have Internet access from home. C. Most kids think they get too little time online at school. D. Internet connection at home is quicker than that at school.Part C Longer Conversations Directions: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the words youve heard. Write your answer in your answer sheet.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Garden Restaurant Reservation FormName: Jessica ____17____Time: 9:00 p.m., ____18____Number of People: SixPhone Number: ____19____Special Request: ____20____ dishesComplete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.What is Harrods, the biggest department store in the UK, famous for? Its ____21____ and Egyptian Hall.How do people feel when they are in the Egyptian Hall? They feel they are ____22____.How does Harrods get most of its power? By producing ____23____ itself.How is the business during the January sales? There is an increase in ____24____. Complete the form. Write NO MORE THREE WORDS for each answer. 答案与解析:1.答案为D。本题考查获取重要的事实信息的能力。根据男士所说:“Just a glass of water, please.”,D为正确答案。2.答案为A。本题考查对话语中隐含意思的理解。根据对话中提到的“flowers, music, dinner ”,可以很容易判断谈话地点是 “At a restaurant.”。3.答案为A。本题考查获取重要事实信息的的能力。男士说血液检查结果没问题,女士说那就没有什么可担心的了。可知女士感觉 “Relieved.”4.答案为C。本题考查获取重要事实信息的能力。女士在应答中直接说到了“Just the postman.”。5.答案为D。本题考查获取重要事实信息的能力。第一场演出7点开始,持续两小时,休息10分钟后第二场开始。所以第二场演出时间为9:10。6.答案为A。本题考查获取重要事实信息的能力。女士说:“It couldnt be.”, 而且进一步补充说:“我昨晚戴的是银戒指。”7.答案为B。本题考查对话语中隐含意思的理解能力。根据女士所说:“难道你不应该把你的键盘也清洁一下吗?”可知键盘也需要清洁了。8.答案为C。本题考查对话语中隐含意思的理解能力。男士没有正面回答女士的问题,而是说:“门旁边有一副地图。”可以推断出他的意思是要女士查看一下那副地图。9.答案为B。本题考查对话语中隐含意思的理解能力。女士回答说“我有戏票”,可知她晚上已另有安排了。10.答案为B。本题考查对话语中隐含意思的理解能力。本题正确率极低。解答本题的关键是“so clear”,“从城市看去星星当然没有这么清晰”。由此可以推断出说话者当时不在城市里。11.答案为C。本题考查获取重要事实信息的能力。Karen回答说:“我想是如此接近危险的这种刺激吧。就象看恐怖影片,你很害怕,但同时它又给你刺激。”可知答案为C。12.答案为C。本题考查获取重要事实信息的能力。听懂了“最近她本人受伤了。”和“幸运的是事故中无人死亡。”两句,便不难选出正确答案。13.答案为D。本题考查归纳话语的主旨大意的能力。听懂全文可归纳出:Karen是个战地记者,她喜欢这个工作,是因为喜欢这种刺激。在一次受伤后不久,她就迫不及待地又回到了战争中。14.答案为B。本题考查归纳话语的主旨大意的能力。虽然第一句说到“在美国因特网的使用在持续增加”,但接下来谈的主要是在乡村地区的增加比较迅速,并没有谈到在美国城市和乡村都增长迅速,所以正确答案应该是B。15.答案为A。本题考查获取重要事实信息的能力。文章中直接说到“两百多万6到17岁的孩子拥有自己的个人网站。”16.答案为D。本题考查获取重要事实信息的能力。文章中说“76%家里有宽带上网途径的孩子说家里的连接比学校的连接要快。”17-20题主要是考查获取重要事实信息的能力。有点难度的是,女士报电话号码时,没有一个一个数字去读,而是读作“five O thirteen, O three eighteen。”21—23 题考查获取重要的事实信息的能力。从对话中可直接得知,英国最大的百货商店Harrods 是因 “Food Hall” 和 Egyptian Hall而著名。当人们看到Egyptian Hall时, they feel they are “in another world”。根据“---Is it true that Harrods produces its own electricity? ---Yes, it does. Seventy percent.”, 可知它获得大部分电力是By producing “electricity” itself。24题考查话语中隐含意思的能力。在元月销售旺季,顾客人数增加到300,000, 销售额增加到9,000,000英镑。可知There is an increase in “customers and sales”。I. Listening Comprehension Part A Short Conversations Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question youve heard.1. W: Let me get you some coffee or tea, or something cold, like coke.M: Just a glass of water, please.Q: What does the man want to drink?2. W: The flowers are lovely, arent they? And I like the music, too.M: Yeah, the dinner here is also excellent.Q: Where probably are the two speakers?3. M: I just read your blood test report, and everything seems OK.W: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about.Q: How does the woman probably feel now?4. M: I thought I heard someone at the door. W: Just the postman, with the package for our neighbour, the Browns. They are away visiting their son.Q: Who was at the door?5. W: Could you tell me the starting times for both performances?M: The first begins at 7:00 oclock, and it lasts two hours. The second follows immediately after a ten-minute break.Q: At what time does the second show start?6. M: My wife found a gold ring in our garden after the party. Do you think it might be yours?W: It couldnt be. Thanks. I wore a silver one last night.Q: What does the woman mean?7. M: Id better clean the screen of the computer right now.W: Shouldnt you clean your keyboard, too?Q: What does the woman imply?8. W: Do you know if this bus stops at Red Square? M: Well, there is a map over there by the door.Q: What does the man mean?9. M: Lets go watch the fireworks tonight.W: I have tickets to the theatre. Q: What does the woman mean?10. W: Just look at these stars.M: They certainly dont look so clear and bright from the city.Q: What can be inferred about the two speakers?Part B Passages Directions: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question youve heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.Karen Smart has been a journalist reporting wars for several years now. Why does she do it? “Well,” she said, “It isnt easy to say. But I suppose its the excitement of being so close to danger. Its like going to see a horror movie. You are frightened, but at the same time it gives you excitement.” Reporters try to get as close to the battle as they can. But it can be very dangerous. Recently Karen herself was injured. “It was very strange really,” she said. “We were just getting ready to record an interview, when a bomb landed on the house next to us. The whole house exploded. There was a terrific noise and the next moment I was lying on the ground. Luckily nobody was killed in that incident. ” Karen spent two days in hospital, but a month later, she was back. “While I was waiting for the ambulance, ”she said, “I can remember thinking: What am I doing here? I must be mad. But after a while , that feeling started to disappear. And I couldnt wait to get back to the war.”Q: 11. Why does Karen like her job?12. What happened in a bomb explosion?13. What is the passage mainly about?Questions 14 through 14 are based on the following passage.Now its eight oclock, time for the morning news.Internet use continues to increase in the United States. According to a new study by American Life Project, fifty two percent of rural residents now have Internet access. Thats an increase of eleven percent since 2000. Rural residents are still behind the urban residents, however. Sixty seven percent of urban residents use the Internet. Of those rural residents who are online, forty five percent say that they surf the Web daily. Only forty percent of urban residents use the Web that often. One big barrier for rural residents is the lack of choice among Internet providers. According to another survey, more than two million American children aged six to seventeen have their own personal websites. This figure, which represents ten percent of the twenty three million young people, who have Internet access from home, is rising rapidly. It is expected to jump to one in four kids by 2008. The survey also shows that boys are more likely than girls to have their own websites. Seventy six percent of kids with broad band Internet access at home say that their home connection is faster than the connection at school. Forty nine percent of kids say that they get too little time on line at school.Q: 14. What does the first survey mainly tell us?15: How many American children, aged six to seventeen , have their own websites? 16. What has been found out about kids use of the Internet?Part C Longer Conversations Directions: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the words youve heard. Write your answer in your answer sheet.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.M: Hello. This is Garden Restaurant. Whos this speaking?W: Oh, hello. Do you have a table for a party of six for this Friday? M: At what time? W: Eight thirty.M: Well be pretty busy on Friday night. I have a table for nine oclock, but not at eight thirty.W: Nine oclock will be fine. I just want to check something else. I have a friend from Italy. Have you got any Italian food?M: No problem, maam. We have at least three Italian dishes on the menu.W: Thats great. M: Party of six for nine oclock. May I have your name, please?W: Jessica Blair. Blair is spelt as B-L-A-I-R.M: OK. Could you leave us your telephone number, please?W: Yes. Its Five thirteen, O three eighteen.M: Fine. Thanks.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.W: Tell me, Peter. What makes Harrods so famous?M: Well, its the biggest department store in the UK, and its Food Hall and Egyptian Hall are very famous.W: What is special about the Food Hall?M: It sells many different kinds of food. For example, it has two hundred and fifty kinds of cheese from all over the world.W: Thats amazing. And why is the Egyptian Hall so famous?M: Well, when people see it, they feel they are in another world. It looks like an Egyptian Building from 4,000 years ago.W: Is it true that Harrods produces its own electricity?M: Yes, it does. Seventy percent. Enough for a small town.W: Really? Tell me, how many customers do you have on an average day?M: About thirty thousand people come on an average day. But during the January sales, the number increases to three hundred thousand customers a day.W: How much do they spend?M: Well, on average, the customers spend about 1.5 million pounds a day. During the January sales, the record for one day is nine million pounds.


上海高考英语科目考试是通过上海东方广播电台播放英语听力考试内容。收听频率为:FM(调频)89.9兆赫、AM(中波)792千赫。非通用语种考生和地处梅山、大屯、张家洼考区的考生收听磁带录音。英语听力考试不再设置备用考场。考试院提醒考生,须自行携带备有耳机的收音机,并应确定机器能正常运作,另须备足电池。学习英语的方法:1、学习英语是随时随地的学英语不光是课堂上的事,生活中随时随地都可以学习英文,商场啊,超市啊,餐馆啊,很多地方都有英语标识就连大家现在玩的电脑游戏中都有很多英语出现,学习英语是随时随地的,同学们多注意观察,收获一定不少。2、 做好记录:把自己平时想表达而又不会表达的句子记在一个本子上面。然后有机会就去请教老外。3、养成明白语意读英文的习惯,威尼英文指出练习英文是练习思维与表达同步,所以要养成”嘴”与”脑”同步的习惯。4、每天坚持练习口语一两个小时,锻炼听力者说英文的肌肉习惯。5、养成大声读英文的习惯,再尝试着用腹式一口气练习,这样使听力者说出的英文更有底气,更流畅。
上海市高考英语听力考试听力考试收听频率:FM(调频)89.9兆赫、AM(中波)792千赫。  运转试题及高考英语科目答题纸样卷以及答案将在出版的《东方教育时报·高招周刊》上刊登。  注意:6月8日14:30分考生开始进入考场,14:45分禁止迟到考生入场,14:45分开始分发答题纸,14:50分开始试听,14:55分开始分发试卷,15:00分听力考试正式开始。16:30分后才能提前交卷出场。
FM 89.9AM 792东方广播电台都市792
高考英语听力不难 ,朗读者不固定,但从07年开始朗读速度明显加快,但只要英语基础中上的都能顺利过关不用担心,至于谁朗读真的不重要。如果基础好,那么这一年只要多练习如何在短对话中集中注意力,毕竟只读一遍在加上高考你会很紧张的(每个人都这样,所以集中注意很重要)基础不行的话,买几本书练练高考的朗读者发音是很标准的,我记得是英式的,听外国人的绝对不会差一大截,这点完全放心哈。一年完全够,高考运气也挺重要的,祝你好运。


首先声明,这份资源属于【本人原创】(采纳时留下你的qq邮箱)我将发送的是:本人仅有的【个人原创】的学习资源:《2006-2010全国各地高考 英语听力 mp3、原文》【不含题目】。共5个rar文件。(其中,本人未能搜集到:①全国卷2的所有听力文件及录音原文;②2006重庆听力原文)。【个人原创。亲自花费 近一星期时间 搜集下载试听校对整理而成】。【提示】有些地区将【全国卷i】的听力试题作为当地高考的听力试题,换句话说,它们的高考听力试题是一样的,仅听力一样。例如,2010年高考听力与全国i一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、新课标卷;2009年高考听力与全国i一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏;2008年高考听力与全国i一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏;2007年高考听力与全国i一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏、四川;2006年高考听力与全国i一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏、四川。
你好,我仅有的学习资源是:05-10全国各个地区高考英语听力MP3、录音原文,共6个RAR文件。压缩前657MB,压缩后565MB。【个人原创】【不含题目】【不包括:①全国卷2的所有听力文件及录音原文;②2005上海、重庆、天津听力原文;③2006重庆听力原文】其中,音频文件经过我:搜索、下载、试听是否清晰、校对是否完整、分类整理并压缩这些过程。当然,有【少数】音频会模糊一些,但也没办法,搜了很久,听到的都是一样的质量。所有音频文件都经过我亲自筛选。不知你要不要,如果要,那么请留下你的QQ邮箱,因为这些“QQ超大附件”只有QQ邮箱才能正常下载。如果你介意,你可以临时申请一个邮箱,再告诉我,我在发送。【温馨提示】有些地区将【全国卷I】的听力试题作为当地高考的听力试题,换句话说,它们的高考听力试题是一样的,仅听力一样。例如,2010年高考听力与全国I一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、新课标卷;2009年高考听力与全国I一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏;2008年高考听力与全国I一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏;2007年高考听力与全国I一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏、四川;2006年高考听力与全国I一样的是:福建、安徽、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏、四川;2005年高考听力与全国I一样的是:福建、江苏、江西、辽宁、山东、海南、宁夏。 祝你在高考中取得好成绩! 加油!!!

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