勇敢的的英文,求 勇敢面对人生逆境的英文翻译最好附上每个词组的解释谢谢
来源:整理 编辑:好学习 2023-05-14 17:32:45
1,求 勇敢面对人生逆境的英文翻译最好附上每个词组的解释谢谢
搜一下:求。 勇敢面对人生逆境的英文翻译!最好附上每个词组的解释!谢谢Facing the adversity of life bravely. 面对 逆境 人生 勇敢

brave, free eagle勇猛 [yǒng měng]基本翻译bold and powerfulfull of valour and vigour网络释义勇猛:valour|Bravery|intrepidity/valour非常勇猛:Leon勇猛精进:yǒng měng jīng jìn 勇猛的基本翻译lionheartedintrepidbold and powerful网络释义勇猛的:lionhearted|strong hearted勇猛的懦弱的:valiancepusillanimous勇猛的志愿者:brave volunteers自由的基本翻译freedisengageduncontrolledunconstraineduntrammeled网络释义自由的:free|disengaged|liberal a.自由的一天:Free day/time自由的生活:FINLANDIA|REVIVRE SAVIE|FINLANDIA.ape
braveadj. 1. 勇敢的, 大胆的2. 需要勇气的;表现勇敢的3. 新颖的;崭新的vt. 1. 勇敢面对; 不怕; 不顾n. 1. 勇敢的人2. 美洲印第安武士、形容词brave,名词courage勇敢的形容词是 brave 名词是 braverybrave courageous brave 的同义词 Achilles, Amazon, David, Hector, Roland, Samson, a man, abide, abide with, advantageous, affront, air serviceman, audacious, aweless, baffle, balk, banter, bear, bear with, beard, bell the cat, beneficial, bid defiance, bide, bite the bullet, blast, bold, bold-spirited, bravura, braw, brazen, brazen out, breast, bright, bring before, bring forward, bring up, brook, bulldog, call out, cannon fodder, challenge, chance, checkmate, chichi, chivalric, chivalrous, chutzpanik, circumvent, colorful, colory, confident, confound, confront, confront with, contravene, counter, counteract, countermand, counterwork, courageous, court destruction, cross, dare, daring, dash, dashing, dauntless, decorated hero, defeat, defiant, defy, defy danger, demigod, demigoddess, destroy, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, dish, disrupt, double-dare, doughty, dressy, elude, encounter, endure, envisage, exhibitionistic, face, face out, face the music, face up, face up to, face with, favorable, favoring, fearless, fighting cock, fighting man, fine, flashing, flashy, flaunting, flummox, foil, food for powder, forget the odds, frilly, front, frothy, frustrate, gallant, gamble, game, gamecock, gay, glittering, good soldier, grand, greathearted, gritty, gutsy, halberdier, handsome, hang in, hang in there, hang tough, hardy, hazard, helpful, hero, heroic, heroine, herolike, hoplite, indomitable, intrepid, ironhearted, jaunty, jazzy, knightlike, knightly, knock the chocks, lay before, legionary, lion, lionhearted, lump, lump it, macho, man of courage, man-at-arms, manful, manly, meet, meet boldly, meet head-on, meet squarely, mettlesome, military man, navy man, noble, nonplus, outdare, outface, paladin, perplex, persevere, pikeman, place before, play with fire, plucky, present to, propitious, put it to, put up with, rakish, resolute, rifle, rifleman, risk, ruin, run the chance, run the gauntlet, run the risk, sabotage, scotch, scream defiance, serviceman, set at defiance, set before, show fight, showy, smart, snazzy, soldier, soldierlike, soldierly, speak out, speak up, spearman, spectacular, spike, spirited, splashy, splendid, splurgy, spoil, sporty, spunky, stalwart, stand, stand for, stand up to, stare down, staunch, steadfast, stem, stick, stonewall, stout, stouthearted, stump, suffer, support, sustain, take a chance, take chances, take up with, tempt Providence, the brave, thwart, tiger, tolerate, toward, unafraid, unapprehensive, unblenching, undaunted, undismayed, unfearful, unfearing, unflinching, unfrightened, unshrinking, unswerving, unyielding, upset, useful, valiant, valiant knight, valorous, venture, venturesome, vivid, warrior, warrioress
勇敢 勇敢的 英文 勇敢面对 勇敢的的英文 勇敢面对人生逆境的英文翻译最好附上每个词组的解释谢谢