1,return to the basic面膜的使用步骤

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return to the basic面膜的使用步骤


1. 雪晶灵净肤凝乳(前面是法语,后面是英文) 温和的凝乳状啫哩轻柔去除脸部残余彩妆与尘污。迪奥雪晶灵独一无二的美白成分令肌肤澄净,菩提花精华提供舒缓功效。令肌肤完全恢复洁净柔软的状态。 简单说---洗面奶 2. 雪晶灵保湿霜 丰盈的乳霜质地,舒缓肌肤,给予肌肤天鹅绒般柔滑享受,为肌肤迅速补充强效水分能量。肌肤展现透白、柔软、细致丰盈,闪耀纯白自然光采。每日早晚,于Dior迪奥雪晶灵焕白亮采精华液后使用,均匀涂抹于脸部和颈部。也可作为睡眠面膜使用,涂抹较厚的一层以达到最佳透白亮采效果。 简单的说---保湿面霜 3. 雪晶灵美白粉底液 具有护肤活性成分的美白粉底液,质地轻薄,为脸部瑕疵打上柔光,瞬间遮盖,同 时长效提亮肌肤。独特的闪亮调色配方,能深入肌肤对抗暗沉,肌肤由内而外散发透白光辉,如美钻般闪耀迷人。 粉底,这个不多说了。


3,关于韩国化妆品 coenzyme q10

Sleeping Maskpack 应该是睡眠面膜。 我现在用的是韩国的the face shop覆盆子睡眠面膜。英文是:sleeping mask. 我告诉你我的用法,希望能对你有所帮助。 晚上洗完脸,做基础化妆:护肤水,精华,乳液(我用的是face shop的顶级抗皱系列),然后用面膜。早上清洗,效果很好,皮肤水嫩水嫩的。不过我的是面膜膏,不知道你的是膏状物还是面膜贴。 还有我老公是韩语翻译,我可以让他帮你翻译韩文。免费的 ,哈哈。我的qq: 116016269 COENZYME Q10 是辅酶Q10 是一种存在于生物体内的脂溶性天然维生素类物质。辅酶Q10是细胞自身产生的天然抗氧化剂,能提高有机体的免疫力。辅酶Q10是人体内不可缺少的参与代谢的重要活性物质。也有提高人体免疫力、增强抗氧化、保持青春的功效 COENZYME Q10是创造人类活动所需能量的润滑油。 很多高档的化妆品都含有。 希望对你有帮助。

关于韩国化妆品 coenzyme q10


elle 法语的“她”, 中文谐音“艾乐”homme 法语的“男士、男人”,中文谐音是“噢马”(法语中h经常是不发音的)
elle 是法语单词, 就是相当于英文SHE 的意思。。中文是“她”的意思。 怎么读啊?很难告诉你哦~~ 重音在第一个,,(E~~LA) 第二音节是轻音。要
兰芝草莓酸奶面膜 180/80克。 我目前用的是睡眠,效果很不错,提前十五分钟涂脸上,一觉起来脸上的皮肤水铛铛呢,吸收的很好,BA说我的脸皮肤不是那么
ELLE 著名法国时装品牌ELLE 暂无中文名称 ELLE是著名法国时装品牌,以时尚导向,是女性化的、现代的、积极向上、亲切的、潮流而又充满生活气息。 ELLE:由


1. Milk mask, prepare a small cup of fresh milk, (summer, can also put milk into the refrigerator, Apply cool, would be more comfortable). Steaming the face with steam, smoke filled the cotton milk, enough in the face about 15 minutes, remove, rinse face wash milk. Long-term adherence, can make fair and clear color evenly. 2 .. Banana Mask: The banana peel pounded into a paste after,15-20 minutes later washed away, a long time to enable the delicate facial skin, refreshing, especially for dry or sensitive skin facial Cosmetology good effect. This method will enable the smooth cool skin, and removal of facial acne and freckles. This approach fit any of the skin, once a week can soften horny skin whitening 3 Apple Mask: The apple peeled and cut or disturb soil, and then applied to the face, such as the Department of allergic skin do, to an additional amount of fresh milk or vegetable oil, oily wish to add more egg white skin. 15-20 minutes later with hot towel to wash clean. Next time, a course for 20 days, with smooth skin, nourishing,role, but also the elimination of skin acne, freckles, blotches and other symptoms
1. Milk mask, prepare a small cup of fresh milk, (summer, can also put milk into the refrigerator, Apply cool, would be more comfortable). Steaming the face with steam, smoke filled the cotton milk, enough in the face about 15 minutes, remove, rinse face wash milk. Long-term adherence, can make fair and clear color evenly.2 .. Banana Mask: The banana peel pounded into a paste after敷面,15-20 minutes later washed away, a long time to enable the delicate facial skin, refreshing, especially for dry or sensitive skin facial Cosmetology good effect. This method will enable the smooth cool skin, and removal of facial acne and freckles. This approach fit any of the skin, once a week can soften horny skin whitening3 Apple Mask: The apple peeled and cut or disturb soil, and then applied to the face, such as the Department of allergic skin do, to an additional amount of fresh milk or vegetable oil, oily wish to add more egg white skin. 15-20 minutes later with hot towel to wash clean. Next time, a course for 20 days, with smooth skin, nourishing,白腻role, but also the elimination of skin acne, freckles, blotches and other symptoms

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