
1.章鱼 2.鱆鱼 3.八爪鱼 4.北极贝



litte octopus
small octopus
Small octopus
small octopus



My parents always say that I am not listening to their words, and then I will answer back that I have listened to their words. Actually, I will turn my dead ears to my parents when they talk to me, I am so rebellious, because I am tired of listening to what they say. One day, my cousin came to play with me, she took away my cellphone, I asked her to give it back to me, but she seemed to not listen to what I was saying, I felt unhappy, because I was not respected. Until then did I realize what I did to my parents, I disrespect them when they talk to me. I should listen to them carefully.
章鱼的英文读octopus(英 [??kt?p?s] 美 [?ɑ:kt?p?s] )。octopus英 [??kt?p?s] 美 [?ɑ:kt?p?s] n.章鱼复数: octopuses例句:1.i bought some octopus dumplings. 我买了些章鱼饺子。2.octopus liked to play games with crab. 章鱼喜欢和螃蟹玩游戏。3.they eat other fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and octopus. 它们吃其他的鱼类、甲壳类、软体动物和章鱼。4.i really hope i have eight arms and legs, like an octopus. 我真希望自己有八只胳膊和腿,像章鱼一样。5.one day, if you do not have octopus cards, will it bring any inconvenience to you? 如果有一天没有了八达通,会否对你造成不便?
baby octopus



1.seal 海豹 2.hippocampi 海马 3.sea lion 海狮 4.walrus 海象 5.coral 珊瑚 6.echinus 海胆 7.starfish 海星 8.dolphin 海豚 10.cetacean 鲸鱼 11.shark 鲨鱼 12.cuttle 墨鱼 13.acaleph 水母 14.mussel 蚌 15.anglerfish 琵琶鱼 16.oyster 牡蛎 17.caribe 水虎鱼 18.chelonian 海龟 19.langouste 龙虾 20.flatfish 比目鱼 21.flying fish 飞鱼 22.sweetfish/ayu 香鱼 23.trumpet shell 海螺 24.grouper 石斑鱼 25.eel 海鳗 26.sea snake 海蛇 27.lion fish 狮子鱼 28.balloon fish 刺河豚 29.manta 鳐鱼 30.angel fish 神仙鱼 31.butterfly fish 蝶鱼 32.obtopus 八爪鱼 33.seaheagehog 海胆 34.sardine 沙丁鱼
海星 starfish、章鱼 octopus 、龙虾 lobster、贝类 shell 、鲨鱼 shark 、海参 sea slug、乌贼 cuttlefish 、虾子 prawn 、海豚 dolphin 、金鱼 gold fish 、白带鱼 hair tail fish 、牡蛎 oyster 、珊瑚coral、海胆sea urchin、虾shrimp、水母jellyfish、海马sea horse、乌贼cuttlefish、 章鱼octopus、海牛manatee、lionfish狮子鱼、魟鱼ray、鲸whale、海星starfish、 海豚dolphin、鲨鱼shark、海龟sea turtle、寄居蟹hermit crab、海獭sea otter、 海狗fur seal、海象walrus、海豹seal、海葵sea anemone、海绵sponge、蟹crab、 管口鱼trumpetfish、小丑鱼clownfish、海狮sea lion、金鳞鱼squirrel fish、 蝶鱼butterfly fish、比目鱼flounder、刺河魨porcupine fish、海蛇sea snake、 阳燧足brittle star
seal 海豹 hippocampi 海马 sea lion 海狮 walrus 海象 coral 珊瑚 echinus 海胆 starfish 海星 dolphin 海豚 cetacean 鲸鱼 shark 鲨鱼 cuttle 墨鱼 acaleph 水母 mussel 蚌 anglerfish 琵琶鱼 oyster 牡蛎 caribe 水虎鱼 chelonian 海龟 langouste 龙虾 flatfish 比目鱼 flying fish 飞鱼 sweetfish/ayu 香鱼 trumpet shell 海螺 石斑鱼 grouper 海鳗 eel 海蛇 sea snake 狮子鱼 lion fish 刺河豚 balloon fish 鳐鱼 manta 神仙鱼 angel fish 蝶鱼 butterfly fish

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