

from all over the country
1楼正解……from all over the country



完整的说法应该是 local area



(you/we should) know about the boarding family and get on well with them in order to get used to the local customers.
你好!(You should)understand and get on well with your lodging family and adapt to the local customs...我的回答你还满意吗~~


4,本地的本国的 英语单词怎么翻译

本地的local locallylocally produced 或 locally grown 或 locally manufactured本国的in-countryin-country produced, 等等同上。

5,本地网数据维护 英语怎么说

maintenance of local network data 本地网数据维护You are mainly responsible for the maintenance of local network data and familiar with **--type switch configuration, modulation openning and failure/fault treatment.
LAN data maintainance. Familar with the configuratuin of XX switch and its switching, adjustment and troubleshooting.

6,本地 英语怎么说

00:00 / 02:0270% 快捷键说明 空格: 播放 / 暂停Esc: 退出全屏 ↑: 音量提高10% ↓: 音量降低10% →: 单次快进5秒 ←: 单次快退5秒按住此处可拖拽 不再出现 可在播放器设置中重新打开小窗播放快捷键说明


1 and in the comprehensive building PDS with integrated wiring system. 2, the computer network and monitoring system, to meet with the production process and the advanced management, wired and wireless communication to ensure normal communication combined. In the circuit network communication lines will be arranged to local cable network computer factory. Will install 200 phone. 3 and in the administration building room and sitting room with a phone and duty (50), each production workshop in each room is equipped with control and building a telephone, but in every field, the application of 10 walkie-talkie. In order to conform and production process, advanced management, the corresponding number of terminals local computer network will be used. To timely monitoring process flow, with one in 10 probe and a computer monitor the monitoring center. 有道词典翻译,不知道你。。。

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