






不知道国内的推荐信是怎么写的,因为我的硕士是在英国念的,我的导师也不允许我自己写推荐信,而且都是他写好密封后给我的,后来我偷偷拆了一封,才知道他写的什么内容.我感觉导师写的推荐信,要尽量选择比较客观的词语,像excellent,intelligence and creativity,之类的词语还是少用比较好,因为你没有什么比较明显的证据去支持.因为我一个很优秀的同学(剑桥的全奖)写推荐信的时候就用了这些词请一个老师签字,被老师骂了一顿,说stupid。最后一句有点长。简单说I do not hesitate to recommend her.
不知道国内的推荐信是怎么写的,因为我的硕士是在英国念的,我的导师也不允许我自己写推荐信,而且都是他写好密封后给我的,后来我偷偷拆了一封,才知道他写的什么内容.我感觉导师写的推荐信,要尽量选择比较客观的词语,像excellent,intelligence and creativity,之类的词语还是少用比较好,因为你没有什么比较明显的证据去支持.因为我一个很优秀的同学(剑桥的全奖)写推荐信的时候就用了这些词请一个老师签字,被老师骂了一顿,说stupid。最后一句有点长。简单说I do not hesitate to recommend her.



授课式硕士是英式教育体制的一个特色、教育产业化的产物。MA,MSc,Meng都属于授课式硕士课程.而研究式硕士课程称为MPhil.这两者的区别:1.从时间上,授课式硕士普遍为一年.而研究式硕士课程为一到二年.2.从教学形式上,授课式硕士结合讲课,研讨,导师个人辅导和个人自学.最后三个月写一篇论文或研究报告.评分根据论文和平日的考试决定.研究式硕士很像英国的博士研究,是完全独立的研究,评分也根据最后的研究报告.研究式硕士多会是将来想做博士研究的学生选择的基础课.在英国,研究式硕士的研究结果可被看成是博士研究的一部分.3.从学费上,研究式硕士较授课式贵从入学要求(申请难度)上来说,授课式硕士主要看GPA(最低3.0,3.5以上才有可能申请到五星级学校)、雅思成绩(6.5单科不低于6)、学术背景(有相关专业实践经验会有帮助,至少可以让你在同等情况下夺得先机),主要考察的是个人学习能力。至于推荐信可以说是聊胜于无,除非是有澳洲留学经历、和学校导师有联系的教授写的推荐信有点作用,一般“教授”、“校长”的推荐也不会起多大作用。地球人都知道,中国留学生的信誉都让那些惯于帮人弄虚作假的中介给毁得差不多了~~~至于你说的“自荐信”可以理解为个人陈述(Personal Statement)吗?主要看学校的要求,但是建议你还是准备一份为好,因为有时候仅靠那些数字并不能真正反映你的真实水平,许多软性的东西还是靠语言说明更合适~~~
澳洲一般不要,有更好。 读研要雅思7.0以上。
你好!如果有的话就更好。 雅思一般都是6.5,取决于你的专业,如果是学翻译的就要7。 授课式研究生不需要推荐信的,雅思成绩,资金证明. 要准备的一般就是成绩单,父母工作证明,这些都是基本的,具体的我也不记得了,而且情况每年都变,最好在学校网站上或移民局直接找我在澳洲读研仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。


Admissions Officer Washington College of LawAmerican University44000 Massachusetts Avenue, NWWashington DC 20016-618eNovember 17,1997Dear Colleague:As Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Beijing University, probably Chinas best higher learning institution, I am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend Ms. Xia Chongbai to you for acceptance into your law school.I taught Ms. Xia in two of the courses that I have offered, the finance law of China and the international finance law, and had therefore many opportunities to observe her performance in her undergraduate years. A diligent student, she scored an average grade of over 80 on the 100-point scale, excelling most of her fellow students in her studies. In a strict grading system like ours, this represented a remarkable achievement.Independent and intelligent, Ms. Xia exhibited exquisite analytical and organizational skills in both her coursework and beyond. With a powerful aptitude for languages, she is articulate in both English and Chinese. Although her English had much to be desired when she first entered into the university, she quickly improved it as she moved into upper years. Her English proficiency became so good in her third year that she won the rare opportunity, as one of the departments ten chosen students, to take the course “American Administrative Law”, which was taught only in English by a visiting professor from the Columbia University law school. She passed the exam in that challenging course easily and achieved a grade of over 90, once again proving her intellectual caliber as a top student.Upon graduation, she joined the Legal Department of the China South Industries Corporation, one of the countrys leading foreign trade companies. I was delighted to learn that she was practicing what I had taught her in class. I understand that she has been continuously improving both her legal expertise and English proficiency since her graduation. In 1993, she enrolled in the part-time program of Master of Laws in my faculty and now expects to be conferred her degree soon.Now, sophisticated as a professional and mature as an individual, she has set her sights on still more advanced training, which she hopes to receive in your famous university. I understand this greatly appreciate it if you could favorably consider her application. Should I be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.Yours sincerelyPan ZhiwuProfessor of Law LL. M. (Harvard) & Ph. D. (Beijing University)Dean of the Faculty of LawBeijing University
推荐信的内容主要包括一下几点,你可以在这个基础上扩充哦1. 如何和学生认识的,比如带什么课,哪次活动...2. 从老师的角度来评价你, 最好举一些事例,这样会有说服力3. 其它方面的表现, 课外活动,性格。。。。。。祝 好

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