1,爱祖国的演讲稿 有哪些


爱祖国的演讲稿 有哪些








http://www.govyi.com/wenzhang/jieri/guoqingjie/guoqingyanjianggao/Index.shtml 在这个网址,有你想要的演讲稿,有很多篇,希望你能好好参考一下,因为,你自己想要什么样的演讲稿,你自己是最清楚的,保证你能看到你满意的!


学习、爱劳动、爱祖国演讲稿 和平路小学二(4)班 肖雨松 我们爱祖国 祖国是哺育我们的母亲,是生命的摇篮,我们应该因为自己是一个中国人而感到骄傲。我坚信只有心系祖国,才会健康成长! 我们要想心系祖国就一定要确立一个远大的志向,锻炼好身体,培养高尚道德,掌握丰富知识,把自己的学习同祖国的繁荣富强紧密联系在一起,为祖国建设、振兴中华时刻做好准备。 爱国是一种坚定的民族精神,更是一种振兴中华的责任感。祖国在我心中,祖国在你心中,我们爱五星红旗!我们爱国徽!我们爱国歌! 我们爱学习 古语说“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲!”我们要热爱学习,因为知识就是资本,知识就是财富。学习对每个人都是极其重要的,是每个人成长、成才、成功、成就的基础。 社会在前进,我们祖国也变得更加繁荣富强。我们小学生应该懂得去好好学习,做个爱学习的好少年,把学习作为精神需求和责任,从小养成爱学习的良好习惯。 为了长大后能更好的劳动,更好的担当责任,对社会有更大贡献,更好的报效祖国,我们要 “好好学习、天天向上!" 我们爱劳动 劳动是慷慨的,给了人类一切;劳动是神圣的,改变了整个世界。 是爸爸妈妈的辛勤劳动,让我们能够衣食无忧,快乐成长;是老师们的辛勤劳动,让我们掌握知识,茁壮成长;是所有劳动者的辛勤劳动,才有了繁荣和丰富多彩的世界。我们要尊敬劳动者,我们要珍惜和爱护他们的劳动成果。 我们要从小养成热爱劳动的好习惯,在学校,常常擦桌椅,扫教室,拣纸屑……让身边环境保持整洁;在家里,学会照顾自己并每天做家务……让忙碌的爸爸妈妈回家好好歇歇。 我们从小爱劳动,能培养出好的人格;我们从小在劳动中锻炼,能营造出生活的高境界。将来有一天,我们也会成为一个合格的劳动者,改变生活,改变世界。 劳动最光荣


Hello, everyone! I am ________.Id like to ask you to point out your favorite country if here is a map. Maybe you will choose the United States for the freedom; maybe you will choose French for the romantic; maybe you will choose Singapore for the garden-like beauty. Id like to say that these are nice countries for traveling. But there is one country in the bottom of my heart, and I will be proud of her forever, thats China---my motherland! Its needless to say that China was a poor country before 1949, some other countries invaded us and brought our grandparents lots of unbearable pity memories. And thats all past. China now is a strong and developing country. See some impressive things were done in recent years: Shenzhou VII was successfully flown into space, the Olympic Games now held in China. Now, China is the country that the nations economy and peoples living standard are growing rapidly. And we are someone here, in the East, in Asia, in the whole world! I am a primary school student now; I know that all of us are the future of our nation. So, what we need to do is to study hard step by step, listen carefully in the class and do homework everyday, study hard for the better achievements so that we can dedicate ourselves to our nation when we grown up! Thanks everyone. Thats my speech!
你好。 http://www.51yjg.com/yjg/Special/jg60/Index.shtml 在这个网址,有你想要的演讲稿,有很多篇,希望你能好好参考一下,因为,你自己想要什么样的演讲稿,你自己是最清楚的,保证你能看到你满意的!祝你节日快乐。。。。。。。

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