

generation gap
代沟 The generation gap
generation gap : the lack of understanding or the differences between older people and younger people
1.generation gap 2.difference between two generations
generation gap


2,generation gap 的英文解释

With a different culture background ,people and people will have no word with others ,this especially for the old and the young .
the years separating one generation from the generation that precedes or follows it, especially when regarded as representing the difference in outlook and the lack of understanding between them
failure of the younger and older generations to communicate and understand one another

generation gap 的英文解释


代沟(generation gap),简单地说就是不同年龄层次的人因思想观念上的差距造成的心理距离。就象沟一样,隔开了一代一代的人,影响两代人之间的理解和沟通。但是到了新世纪,代沟不仅存在于上一代与下一代之间,而且在年龄相隔10年、8年的人们之间,甚至在大学的高年级与低年级之间,都会有令人惊叹的明显差异。人们常常说,代沟是时间的痕迹,变革的脚步。如此看来,出现代沟是自然的,没有代沟反倒是不自然的,所以,代沟现象也容易被人理解。 但代沟毕竟是困扰交流与沟通的难点,而且容易增加形成偏见和歧视的可能性,代沟两侧的人轻则互不理解,重则抱有敌意,所以我们也要通过种种途径作各种努力来跨越代沟、填平代沟。其实,代沟也并不是一种物理存在,而是一种心理存在,接触,可以让代与代之间曾经断裂的心理联系接续起来,从而达到交流的顺畅和相处的和谐。
年龄不等的人,生活圈子不同,接触的事物、人物各异,故此思想方法和行为也有差别。如果这种差别不加以改善而让它扩大,两代人之间便会形成一堵无形的墙,误会便容易产生。这就是心理学上所说的世代隔阂,套用一句现代语言,即所谓“代沟”。 “代沟”一词从英文generation gap直译过来,由于译法贴切而新颖,加上易于记忆,所以马上成了常用语。从翻译的角度上看,比起原来的用语“世代隔阂”,“代沟”确是优胜一些。现代翻译的趋势看来是以短语占了上风,文绉绉的累赘译法似乎是落伍了。 generation gap一词的出现并不久,大约是六十年代后期的事吧。generation是一个总称语,指同一代的人。它所指的一“代”,大约是二十五到三十年之间,但没有定限,很可能年纪相差十年的人便会被认为是属于另一代的。至于gap一字的原义,则是缺口、裂缝或鸿沟,抽象一点的意思是指个性、意见等方面的歧异。 对于generation gap的存在与否,西方学者有过很激烈的争论。初期有些心理学家认为绝大多数的年轻人价值观方面都是接受传统的,所以不能承认“代沟”的存在。不过,最近几年来,“代沟:的问题越来越显著,越来越严重了,使得持反对意见的人也为得不正视这个问题。有人提出,要消减成年人与青少年之间的代沟,其实并非难事,只要“读青年人的书报,看青年人的电影与电视节目,参加青年人的活动”便可以了。
代沟是指子女在走向社会的过程中,背弃父母原有的观点,有了新的见解而造成的。代沟通常产生于青春期。环境的影响使当代青少年很少站在别人的立场考虑问题。认为父母思想陈旧,跟不上时代的步伐,所以,代沟的主要责任在子女。   一是没有任何一个父母愿意和子女产生代沟。子女从小不为生计担忧,很少体味人间疾苦,时间长了导致自我中心倾向。而父母一直含辛茹苦、受苦受累却又不被子女所理解。这种痛苦的心情,又有谁能体会?尽管父母在主客观上都有消除代沟的意愿,可同学们扪心自问,我们有几个人真正给了父母机会呢?   二是我们常说,“熟悉的地方没有风景。”子女长期处于父母的教育下,很容易产生抵触情绪,代沟也因此形成。   三是父母在一个人的成长过程中会有一定的影响,然而正所谓外因无法决定内因,根本问题还是在子女身上。子女受到社会上各种各样思想的影响,思想又不成熟,很难正确地把握自己,而又对父母的话又不以为然,这是导致代沟产生的最主要的原因。   所以,代沟的主要责任在子女,正是由于代沟随年龄的增长有不确定性,要父母来适应和消除它很不恰当。   同学们,我们常说与时俱进,其实真正做到这句话的不仅有我们,还有我们的父母啊!只是他们在接受新观点之前总是要经过一番仔细的筛选,可这并没有错啊!   代沟的产生是由于父母一代和子女一代人不同的知识构成,使他们的思想不同,但是父母和我们处于同一时代,这个社会的主力军还是我们的父母。因此,可以说我们的自以为是,使我们认为父母对新事物了解太少,用我们不成熟的观点来评价父母这公平吗?   代沟怎样产生?   一是青少年身心状态的剧变。剧变促使我们发现自我,追求独立,对童年的观念进行颠覆,对事业,友谊,爱情和人生价值开始选择和追求。而现在的独生子女家庭,父母在知识和经验上的缺乏,使得他们对子女的变化准备不足,只能按照以前的方式应对。青少年只有让父母明确这种突变,才能带来他们观念意识上的相应变化,才能消除误解和隔膜。   二是时代的烙印。出生于五、六十年代的父母对今天世界大融合的观念需要一个渐进的认识理解接受的过程。家庭中,思想文化更新最快的当然是子女,所以,引导父母接近,认识,理解和接受时代的任务,责无旁贷需要子女来承担。   三是时代迅猛发展为父母带来的紧张,疲惫,焦躁的情绪态度。紧张,疲惫和焦躁的情绪态度是子女反感父母,形成代沟的重要原因。不要让父母在恶劣情绪下作决定,帮助父母消除恶劣情绪,本身是子女的义务。   四是子女的浮躁,赌气和自以为是。见多识广的父母当然不买账了。   代沟解决的途径在于双方。父母应该努力学习文化知识,预先了解子女的特点并努力把握时代特点和时代观念;不断学习进步;同时调整好身心状态,争取以乐观开朗和信任的面貌对待子女;子女要体谅,关心父母,采用合适的办法引导父母了解自己,了解时代观念;同时,对自己的年轻和肤浅需要有清醒深刻的认识。但是,父母首要责任是养家;而子女的社会任务是学习。在代沟问题上,父母和子女双方都有责任;子女在关心父母,尊重爱戴父母,承担家庭责任上做的远远不够。所以,我方认为,代沟责任主要在于子女。


4,有助于缩小代沟gap的距离 英语怎么说

be helpful to narrow the generation gapgeneration gap 代沟narrow 使……狭窄
more ways to communicate: that the relationship between the countries, as small as between family members, it is necessary to reduce barriers to, first of all to be able to communicate. in order to communicate, no matter how the other side, should take the initiative themselves. a small group of course, respect the elderly, but also set aside the older generation.to learn from each other. young to respect and filial piety of the old, old people, then the hearing would also like to hear, do not always think that old conservative, old knowledge, the experience of the old useless, in fact, not always true. countries, governments, relevant departments have to do community work, education of young people. but the old initiative also concerned about the next generation of young people to understand, tolerance, not always in accordance with their own standards of young people in the past, which could not, it could not. especially to young people with an open mind to learn new knowledge and new technologies, it is very important because it is young and you do not have a common language, can communicate an important condition.the old heart of the elderly who can not be old, which means we must always learn to keep up efforts to understand and adapt to the new. in order to realize lifelong learning, new knowledge and new skills to master at least not lag too much. it is also very important. not as good, social change, scientific and technological progress too fast, the elderly lagged too far behind, and sometimes their children do not mouth that was also the essence of the look down. you can not force young people think highly of smth, you have to study hard to catch up with the times. in fact, unless you really do not mind the old hands and feet were effective, and even the sixties and seventies-year-old qi bashi-year-old granny old man can still learn newknowledge of new technology, memory may be not so satisfactory, sometimes understanding than do young people also strong. you continue to use new knowledge and new skills to enrich your own, they could still feel young, young people will respect you more and more willing to communicate with you, the generation gap will naturally shallow and even filled the- human beings are not "cold-blooded" we fear loneliness. it was lonely fear. when we met in the physical, mental and spiritual desire to have been met. on the need to communicate. communication is not good, even if a bright and sunny outside, was also a dark and humid. however, good communication, and even the coldest winter in the hearts of happy flowers will bloom.

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