
写自己如何如何没有教育好孩子。之类的。 (对本次月考失利做总结) 然后写以后会如何教育孩子 还有可以写 对教育孩子的看法。 最后可以写 下次月考目标
写50字的英文家长评价。有很多。 有懂得英语的。是写上一些这都是有文化之人。



首先说一句:老师,您辛苦了,非常感谢您对孩子的教导。这次孩子的成绩不是很理想,对此,我们感到孩子在一些方面还不足,对于孩子学习上的问题,我们家长会支持老师的工作,共同教育孩子。然后写孩子的表现,比如作业、课外书籍、户外运动等的情况。最后写希望在新的学期里,在老师的指导下,会有更加优异的成绩。正文:【评语1】谢谢老师给予xxx这么高的评价,这学期 xxx在老师的帮助指导下得到了锻炼和提高,尤其是绘画和手工有了很大的突破。老师们精心准备的各项活动中,孩子的手脑协调能力也提高了,表达能力也进步了不少,衷心感谢老师对孩子的关心和鼓励,只有咋你们的努力下孩子才有这么大的进步。【评语2】xxx这学期确实取得了一定的进步,如画画,英语,作为家长感到很欣慰,成绩的背后有老师的付出,在这里我们诚心诚意的谢谢老师。阳阳最让我头疼的是生活习惯不好,有一点小顽皮,是个双重性格的孩子,有时候表现的很活泼,有时候又很腼腆,我希望在下学期老师能针对这些,对xxx要求严格些,在我们家园共同努力下能使他成为德智体全面发展的好孩子。
前往百度APP查看回答您好!英语考试家长评语可以这样写:成功要靠自己努力,哪怕只有万分之一的希望也不能放弃,坚信自己我能行!考试要考好,一定要下苦功了,务必要打好英语基本功,报课在线外教英语培训班也是你不错的选择,跟着教学经验丰富的外教老师学英语,更加有自信心和兴趣,效果还是不错的。以后我会督促孩子更加努力的 争取拿得一个更好的成绩!
考得好就说,还有进步空间,重点学习就是做错的那些题型 考得不怎么好就说,有待提高,希望孩子能把不熟练和不熟悉的题目弄透彻,确保下次不再同样的地方跌倒两次,希望老师在学校督促孩子作业。考得非常不好就说,希望孩子家长老师三方配合。 考得非常不好也就没什么说的了,给我就不好意思写太多了,因为一可能是说这个孩子不喜欢英语老师所以不愿意学,二就是孩子自己的问题,更重要的是家长的指引和陪同和督促了,这个时候就要你私下和老师和孩子做沟通了,如果你想孩子有能看得过去的成绩的话



首先,应当理解题意;其次,应善于谋篇布局,而不是生硬得翻译,在每个论点开始时最好要有一定的连接词,比如first,second,third;first of all,then,in addition,what is more,finally;再者,应当善于运用高中阶段所学的各种句型语法,比如定语从句、同位语从句、动名词的符合结构等等还有一些常用的句子,应善于积累;最后就是整体的事了,段落安排是否合理、书面是否工整、尽量减少语法错误和拼写错误、字数在80到120之间。
其实你在google里搜索 kungfu panda review,在google里搜索一下就可以了找到了。以后找别的电影评论键入 此电影的英文名字,再加review就可以搜到相关评论了。一下给一篇作为参考:Thanks for checking out our Kung Fu Panda review. I still remember way back in 2005 when I first heard about Kung Fu Panda I thought it was a pathetic idea. My thoughts had to do with 2 things… the concept and using Jack Black. Both I thought were terrible ideas that seemed to me to lend themselves to yet another cookie cutter, annoying, cheap and witless animated film (non-pixar) that would just rely on fart jokes, burp jokes, fart jokes and basically any simple little thing it takes to amuse 10 year old kids (which is just about anything) without bother to put any quality story telling or themes or idea into it. Just have Jack Black talk in outrageous tones, flash some pretty colors and have Po (thats the name of the Panda) fart.Yes, I thought I could already see the entire movie playing itself out in my head just from hearing the concept alone. So off I went to see Kung Fu Panda the other day. Was I correct in my first impressions? Actually… no I wasnt. Its actually not a bad film at all.THE GENERAL IDEAThe synopsis for Kung Fu Panda looks something like this: “A clumsy panda bear becomes an unlikely kung fu hero when a treacherous enemy spreads chaos throughout the countryside in this animated martial arts adventure featuring the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, and Jackie Chan. On the surface, Po (voice of Black) may look like just another portly panda bear, but beneath his fur he bears the mark of the chosen one. By day, Po works faithfully in his familys noodle shop, but by night he dreams of becoming a true master of the martial arts. Now an ancient prophecy has come to pass, and Po realizes that he is the only one who can save his people from certain destruction. With time running short and malevolent snow leopard Tai Lung (Ian McShane ) closing in, Furious Five legends Tigress (Jolie), Crane (David Cross ), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu), Monkey (Chan), and their wise sensei, Master Shifu (Hoffman), all draw on their vast knowledge of fighting skills in order to transform a lumbering panda bear into a lethal fighting machine. Now, if the noble Po can master the martial arts and somehow transform his greatest weaknesses into his greatest strengths, he will fulfill his destiny as the hero who saved his people during their darkest hour.”THE GOOD“The most important element” in any film will vary according to its genre. For a film like Kung Fu Panda clearly the most important element it needed to pull off was comedy. If a film like this one doesnt make you laugh… then there isnt much left to fall back on. Thankfully the movie succeeds quite well on this level. I cant recall any more than 1 hard belly laugh (usually a decent comedy needs much more than that), but it felt like it at least always had me smiling or giggling through the run time. Almost none of the joke were home runs… but then did all work. The end result was I found myself entertained almost all the way through.Coming up with a good villain in a kids film is no easy task. The character has to be menacing, but at the same time you cant give kids nightmarish visions and make them crap themselves. I mean come on… its Kung Fu Panda… you cant exactly have Violator (from the Spawn comics) showing up can causing kids across the nation to spontaneously crap themselves in their theater seats… then requiring therapy for the next 3 years to make the nightmares go away! It is a fine and delicate balance… and the villain in Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung, was PERFECT. He was certainly menacing… but at the same time easy enough for the kids to handle without needing pampers. I think the presence of such a villain really helped the film work.Doing good action in an animated film is also no easy task. I mean, its easy enough to DO… just not so easy to do WELL. However, Kung Fu Panda and the folks at Dreamworks really did pull of some BEAUTIFUL animation with complex yet extremely smooth kung fu fighting that was a treat to watch. It was also a lot of fun seeing how each character had a totally different fighting style in keeping with which animal they were. I mean come on… how on earth do you animate a snake doing Kung Fu and have it look cool? Well… they found a way!THE BADThere isnt a lot to complain about in this movie, but I will raise a couple of issues. First of all, some of the voice casting felt completely wrong. I worship the ground Dustin Hoffman walks on… but him as the voice of the sage Chinese Kung Fu master that trains the furious 5 and Po??? It just didnt fit. Seth Rogen as one of the furious 5? I hope Im not just being picky… but whenever these guys spoke (especially Rogen) it just kinda pulled me out of the movie. It was just really conspicuous.I would have liked to have seen more about the furious 5 characters (the tiger, crane, monkey, viper and the mantis. I think Jackie Chan had like 2 lines… but I mean more in the sense of seeing even just a 2 minute segment of where they each came from and how they ended up at the temple in the first place. Not a major complaint… but it did keep popping into my head as I was watching it.OVERALLContrary to my initial impressions, Kung Fu Panda ends up being a funny (not outright hilarious), exciting, well animated and beautiful to look at movie that both kids and yes, even adults will enjoy. Some poor voice casting and a few character left without being fleshed out much didnt become major distractions to enjoying the movie. Could have taken or left Jack Black as the lead voice… but he didnt detract from the film in anyway. Its no Pixar film… but very good nonetheless. Overall I give Kung Fu Panda a 7.5 out of 10.


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