

应该就是put up仅供参考。希望能帮到你。
pose an opinion
give your point Put forward the point of view



put forward ;come up with ;present
raide pose
come up with



提出 [词典] propose; present; put [bring] forward; raise; [例句]请对这个文件的初稿提出修改和补充意见。Please propose amendments and addenda to the first draft of the document.



provide(vt.& vi):提供,供给,供应; supply(vt):供给;补充;弥补(缺陷、损失等);向……提供(物资); furnish(vt):陈设,布置;提供,供应;装修(房屋); offer(vt.):提供,给予;提出,提议;出价,开价;表示愿意:


主动提出赔偿【offer the indemnification voluntarily】有不会的可以再问我
对... 提出索赔to enter a claim for ...... with......to file a claim for ...... with ......to put in a claim for ...... with ......


1) This paper deals with... 2) This article focuses on the topics of...3) This essay presents knowledge that... 4) This thesis discusses...5) This thesis analyzes... 6) This paper provides an overview of...7) This paper elaborates on ... 8) This article gives an overview of...9) This paper provides a method of ... 10) This paper considers...11) The writer of this paper discusses... 12) This paper strongly emphasizes...13) This article explores... 14) This paper tries to describe...15) This article covers the role of chemicals in...16) This paper presents up to date information on...17) This article not only describes...but also suggests...18) This paper includes discussions concerning...19) This article compares...and summarizes key findings.20) This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze...21) This paper offers the latest information regarding...22) This paper is devoted to examining the role of...23) This paper addresses important topics including... 24) This paper expresses views on...25) This paper reports the latest information on ... 26) This paper provides an analysis of ...27) This paper gives an account of ... 28) The aim of this paper is to determine...29) The objective of this paper is to explore...30) The purpose of this article is to review/ prove/ show/ present/ develop/ generalize/ investigate

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