
the skills in cross-cultural communication
Cross-cultural communication skills
cross-cultural communication skill.



My fingers are still can activities, my brain can also thinking; I have a lifelong pursuit of the ideal, I have love and love my relatives and friends, right, I have a thankful heart 我的手指还能活动,我的大脑还能思维;我有终身追求的理想,我有爱和爱我的亲人朋友,对了,我还有一颗感恩的心这样可以吗?fingers,手指 thinking 在这边指理想
My fingers still active, my brain still thinking; I have life-long pursuit of the ideal, I have love and love my family friends, yes, I have a grateful heart



1 Your phone stolen is my fault。 2 This ancient temples leave me a deep impression。 3 Since the childhood, she loves reading。
1.It is my fault that your cellphone was stolen 2. The old temple has given me a deep impression. 3. She has loved reading since her childhood
1. It is my fault that your cellphone was stolen. / Your mobile phone stolen is my fault. 2. The old temple gave (has given) me a deep impression. / This ancient temple (has) left me a deep impression 3. She has loved reading since she was a child. / She has enjoyed reading since her childhood. 注:第一题:主句时态要用一般现在时,从句应用一般过去时。 第二题:可用一般过去时,当然最好用现在完成时。 第三题:应该用现在完成时态。 参考网站: http://www.1syy.cn
Your handset is stolen is my wrong this ancient temple stays behind to me the very profound impression to get up from the infancy time, she likes studying


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