

Speak loudly.
speak loudly
cry loudly



大声地 loud比较级:louder最高级:loudest
fast的比较是 faster. 最高级是 fastest



what,loudly shouting dig a hole quickly why take such long time Because run,quickly singing slightly cry were, go soon is patting , excited Why did you take so long? I am diding a hole for the tree My sister is running in the lawn quickly Jenny is reading loudly in the classroom Did the dog cry last night? Tonny , slowly please Lily,why the dog smile The tiger is shouting loudly in the zoo. Are they climbing slowly? I am sorry for my lating. Mr.ma what are you doing please?


4,hit sb on the face Shout at sb loundly Laugh作文

拼错了,是aloud , loud 和 loudlyaloud , loud二者作为副词,都有“大声地”、“响亮”的意思,有时可以通用。但aloud与read,think连用时,表示“出声”,而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替loudly ① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地”或“大声地”,常用 read , call 等动词连用。例如: Please read the text aloud. 请朗读一下课文。 ② loud 意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak , talk , laugh 等动词。 loud 还可用作形容词。例如: Speak louder, please, or no one will hear you.
putting ; laughing ; clapping ; swimming ; writing ; riding ; shopping ; sitting ; studying ; watching ; listening ; using ; calling ; practicing ; cr???


1. grate 参考翻译:你必须把被磨碎、压碎的起司(奶酪)放在蔬菜的上面。 显然 这里grate做 “被磨碎”译 即用过去分词表示被动。2. cooking 参考翻译:今晚十点有一档烹调电视节目。 “cooking”在字典中注释是adj“烹饪的” 3. nicer 我看了一下才反应过来 你把taste打成了“tsste”~ 参考翻译是“这只刷了蜂蜜的玉米尝起来比那一只更好 用nice的比较级4. quiet keep+adj意味“保持某种状态” “我们需要在阅读室保持安静”5. loudy “大声地” 可做adj也可作adv 这里作adj修饰动词sing6. churches “ch"结尾复数+es “在上海我们可以看到若干个教堂”7. living “有生命的;活着的” 8. pollute 这里people是泛指 它是集合名词 单复数同行 “人们通常会破坏环境”9. more beautiful 前面的much再语法角度上是程度副词 有时专门放在more前表程度 表示“更多的,更好的”10. hotness hot的名称形式 “这堆火带给我们光线和温暖”~ 分数要给我噢~(害羞~~) 打了老半天呢~。
1. grated2. cooking3. nicer4. quiet5. loudly6. churches7. living, alive8. polluted9. beautiful10. hot


loudness [`laJdnIs] n. 大声, 喧闹, 响度 loud [laud] adj. 响亮的, 大声的 喧闹的, 吵闹的 强调的, 坚持的 [口]怪臭的, 难闻的 [口](衣服, 颜色)过分鲜艳的, 俗气的, 过分花哨的; (举止)冒失的; 略带粗俗的 不断的, 不休的; 坚持的 a loud voice 声音宏亮 loud laugh 高声大笑 a loud denial 断然的否认 a loud dresser 穿着庸俗 to be loud in demands 不断地索求 loud [laud] adv. 大声地, 响亮地 loud-hailer n. 强力扬声器, 手提式电子扩音器 loud-looking adj. [美]过分鲜艳的, 花哨的, 俗气的 loud-mouth n. (尤指爱吹牛或攻击他人者)吵闹的人, 大声说话的人 loud-mouthed adj. 高声谈论的, 吵嚷的, 嘶叫的 loud-spoken adj. 大声说的 louden [`laJdEn] vt., vi. (使)(声音)变响亮 loudish [`laJdIF] adj. 声音稍高的 loudly adv. loudness [`laJdnIs] n. 高声, 大声 喧闹 鲜艳夺目, 俗气 【物】响度, 音量
loudly adv. 大声地, 高声地, 花俏地 loud adj. 大声的, 吵闹的, 引人注目的


① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地”32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333332623961或“大声地”,常用 read , call 等动词连用。例如: Please read the text aloud. 请朗读一下课文。 ② loud 意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak , talk , laugh 等动词。 loud 还可用作形容词。例如: Speak louder, please, or no one will hear you. 请大声些,否则没人能听见。 ③ loudly 意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring , knock 等动词连用。 loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味。例如: Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来。 Read this passage aloud. 朗读这篇文章 Crying aloud for help. 高声呼救 To translate,especially aloud. 口译翻译,尤指口译 He read the poem aloud. 他高声朗诵那首诗。 He called aloud for help. 他大声叫救命。 clearly and loudly;without hesitation 清晰而响亮地;毫不犹豫地 The musket discharged loudly. 旧式步枪发声很大 The horn blew loudly. 喇叭吹得很响。 The doorbell rang loudly. 门铃大声响着。 The child sobbed loudly. 这个孩子大声地哭泣。 She was loudly dressed. 她穿着花俏俗气。 She was loudly applauded. 她大受鼓掌赞许。 Read slowly and loudly. 读得既要慢些又要大点声音。 As loudly as possible. 尽可能地响亮

文章TAG:大声地英语大声  英语  地说  