
总顾问 general consultant理事长 the head of the council 理事 a member of the council



你好!执行顾问Executive Consultant
专家顾问团成员expert advisory board member


3,想问下名片上英文职称1大中华区营销总监 2高级卓越运营策略顾

1、大中华区营销总监 Marketing Director for Greater China2、高级卓越运营策略顾问Senior Operational Excellence Strategies Consultant
你好!Marketing Director,Dazhonghua Zone/Splendid China Zone(Area) Top senior Operation Strategy Consultant希望对你有所帮助,望采纳。

想问下名片上英文职称1大中华区营销总监 2高级卓越运营策略顾


adviser consultant 都行
1. Consultant 我的财政顾问建议我多存点儿钱。 My financial consultant advised me to save more money. 2. 政府顾问被一位较年青的专家挤走了。 A government adviser was dethroned by a younger expert. 都是标准英文翻译吧。


western humoreverybody knows that occidentals are very humorous. in the beginning, i dont quite catch that. but recently, i feel the humorous way of occidental deeply. one day when we had class of foreign english teacher. in order to see how well we could write in english, he wrote a topic on the blackboard and let us to write an article in english. the topic was very simple, just talked about the thing of our university or the thing which happened around us. it is either complimentary or critical. our students were very clever. we finished the article quickly and gave it to the teacher. he read the articles carefully and then picked one which he thought was the best. when he read it out to us, we were very confused. why it was the best article, not a single word of it was true.the article described our cafeteria and the author was a peaceable student from a village in the outskirts. he was timid, so in order to not offend the institute authorities---the decisive factor concerning his final grading, evaluation and where he was to go after graduation ---he had made up a high –sounding story in praise of the cafeteria, regardless of the realities. we were all very angry about what he did. but, the teacher was aware of the cafeterias terrible conditions, why did he have his eye on this one in particular? we couldnt help ourselves asking him why. our teacher explained “this is certainly a good article. absolutely matchless! listen …” he picked up the article and read it loudly. “the most beautiful place in our university is not the classroom, nor the sport-ground, nor the lawn with the fountain at the gate; the most beautiful place in our university is our cafeteria. look, the windows are so clean that you scarcely notice there is glass in them …” and then he paused, his eyes flashing with a glint of wits and his brows shooting upward. “listen, how humorous it is!”humorous? why it was humorous? the students were still confused and let him read it went on. the teacher continued, “if you were not careful enough and had a fall on the floor, you would be amazed to find that you had not fallen at all because you did not get a particle of dust on your clothes. if you had been working in the cafeteria for a long time, you would have forgotten what a fly looks like…” he stopped again, his tongue clicking rapidly to show admiration and made a face. “listen. do you think anyone else couldve made it more humorous? if laughed so heartily that i could hardly continue.” he said. we looked at for each other and knew something suddenly. the teacher went on, his reading punctuated by fits of laughter. “how wonderfully is the food cooked here everyday! what a great variety of dishes and how well your appetite is satisfied! it is only at our cafeteria you can find eating and enjoyable business. our cafeteria is so wonderful!” we burst into laugh at this time. according to this way of thing, how many smart, wise, perfect and funny articles could we find!


很多too-two1.alter v. 改变,改动 altar n. 祭坛;圣坛2.bare adj. 赤裸的;光秃地 bear n. 熊;vt. 承受3.baron n. 男爵 barren a. 贫瘠的,荒芜的4.be bee5.bough n. 大树枝 bow v. 点头,鞠躬6.brake n. v.刹车 break v. n.破坏,损坏,破裂7.bread n. 面包 bred 为breed(v.生育,繁殖)的过去时或过去分词8.buy by9.cell n. 细胞, 小牢房, 电池 sell v. n. 卖, 出售10.chord n.和弦,和音, 心弦 cord n. 细绳11.cite v. 引用, 引证 sight n. 视力, 看见 site n.位置, 场所12.coarse a. 粗的, 粗劣的 course n. 课程, 过程, 路线13.complement n. 补充 compliment n. .称赞, 恭维话14.core n. 果核, 核心 corps n. 军, 部队, 团体15.councilor n.顾问 counselor n.顾问, 律师, 指导教师16.dam n. 坝 damn v. 咒骂, 诅咒17.dear deer18.desert vt. 抛弃, 遗弃 dessert n. 甜点心19.dew n. 露珠, 滴 due a. 应付的, 欠20.die v. 死 dye n. 燃料21.discreet a. 谨慎的 discrete a.. 分离的, 不连续的22.eye I23.fair adj. 公正的 fare n 车费;船费24.flower n. 花 flour n. 面粉25.forth adv. 向前方 fourth 第四26.fur n. 皮毛 fir n. 冷杉;枫木27.gorilla n. 大猩猩 guerrilla n.游击队员28.hair n.头发 hare n. 野兔29.hall n. 大厅 haul v. 拖曳30.heal v. 治愈 heel n. 脚后跟31.hear v. 听见 here 这里32.heroin n. 女英雄 heroine n.海洛因33.hole n. 洞 whole 整个的34.in prep. 在 inn n. 酒店35.isle n. 岛 aisle n. 过道36.knight n.骑士 night n. 夜晚37.knot n.节(距离) not 不38.know 知道 no 不39.lane n.. 小路;小巷;胡同 lain lie的过去分词40.maid n. 女子 made make的过去式41.meat n. 肉 meet v. 遇见42.new adj. 新的 knew know的过去式43.pail n. 桶 pale 苍白的44.peace n. 和平 piece 片,张45.plain adj. 平坦的 plane n. 飞机46.pray v. 祈祷 prey n. 牺牲品47.rain n. 雨 rein n .缰绳 reign n. 王国;领域;统治48.right 右 write v.写49.ring n. 戒指 wring v. 拧50.role n. 任务 roll v. 滚动51.root n. 根 route n .路线52.sail v. 航行 sale v. 卖53.scene n. 景色 seen see的过去分词54.scent n. 气味;香味 cent 分(钱)55.sea n. 海 see v. 看见56.seam n. 缝隙;接合处 seem 好像57.shear v.剪;砍 sheer v.偏航58.so sow v. 播种 sew sow的过去式59.sole 单独的 soul n. 灵魂60.some 一些 sum 量61.son n. 儿子 sun n. 太阳62. stair n. 楼梯 stare v. 瞪63.steal v. 偷 steel n. 钢64.straight adj. 直接的 strait n.. 海峡65.suite n. 套房 sweet adj. 甜的66.tail n. 尾巴 tale n. 故事;神话67.their 他们的 there 那儿68.through 通过 threw throw的过去式69.vain adj. 徒劳的;无效的 vein n. 静脉70.weak adj. 微弱的 week n. 一周
discrete-discreetwaist-vest-westflea-flee-fleetpromptly-properlypneumonia-ammoniapneumatic-nomadicsolitary-solidaryplague-play-plainhumility-humidity-humiliateintimidate-imitate-intimate-timid(无数地方听了无数次,现在还分不清)aptitude-attitude-eptitude-latitude-altitudedurian-during-urine-ureaquality-quantitygrey-greentowel-towergenes-jeansvirus-variousstall-storeagent-urgentlecturer-lectureflour-flowersheet-shitsee-seahole-wholethere-theirpear-pair vulture秃鹰-vouchermussel贻贝-musclegroan - noise made in misery 呻吟grown - fully mature 长大的hart- 雄鹿heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏herd - a group of animals 牧群heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式bear - a big, hairy animalbear - to be able to withstand somethingbare - exposedbred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式bread - a type of food 面包wring - twist 绞,扭ring - noise a bell makes 敲钟,打电话scent - smell 气味sent - past tense of send 邮寄的过去式crash crush collaboration corporation employment improvement deployment deportment sun song sink think role rule labor label

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