




(门票120元,夜场8点入场门票50元) 探险漂流 丛林穿梭 室内滑雪场 四维数码影院 地心探险 恐龙世界 山洪爆发 火山爆发 射箭场 印加迷城 丛林阵地激光枪战



欢乐谷:Happy Valley 世界之窗:Window Of World 这也用问,网上查一下就行了
深圳世界之窗,东行左转侨城西街,穿过西班牙广场,即到深圳欢乐谷。距离840米。 问题已解决记的采纳。
欢乐谷:Happy Valley 世界之窗:Window Of World
欢乐谷:Happy Valley 世界之窗:Window Of World
世界之窗:The window of the world欢乐谷Happy Valley
哎 这10分跟白送一样了.. 我也来抢下运气看看是不是我的.欢乐谷:Happy Valley 世界之窗:Window Of World



我前段时间去了,我认为一般 像每晚的表演,不喜欢歌舞表演的,就不推荐去了 风情表演的话就非洲民居好看点了,别的都一般,而且平时的风情表演规模很小。 艺术大巡游不是你去就一定有的,你要挑好时间去
世界之窗 将世界奇观、古今名胜、历史遗址、自然风光、各国民居、异国雕塑、民俗风情、民间歌舞等汇于一园, 让游人通过世界之窗,了解外部世界的美妙奇观。景区按世界地域结构和游览活动内容分为世界广场、亚 洲区、大洋洲区、欧洲区、非洲区、美洲区、现代科技娱乐区、世界雕塑园、国际街九大景区,内建有118 个景点,包括了金字塔、吴哥窟、大峡谷、凯旋门、圣彼得大教堂、泰姬陵、悉尼歌剧院、比萨斜塔等, 精致绝伦,维妙维肖。作为景区活动中心的世界广场,可以容游客万余人,每当夜幕降临、华灯初放,景 区内又展现出另一种迷人的异国情调。由世界民族歌舞和民俗节目组成的狂欢之夜艺术大巡游,把景区游 园活动推向高潮. 门票:120

5,深圳世界之窗 英文翻译

You want to take a tour around the world, satisfied look at the magic power of world? The window of Shenzhen world can satisfy your request, let your elegant appearance of theworld. The window of world have view 130 in world , the such as bright pearl insets on 480,000 square meter paradises.The view area presses region structures in the world to is divided into world square, Asian area, Oceanica area, European area, African area, American area, world to carve park and international street eight greatest districts. The window of world with to visitor lifelike display romantic feeling and culture of the foreign country history but is known far and near.Thick feeling Japan, movement Africa, mysterious print Anne, Egyptian legend, the Parisian intense emotion is hot to dance etc. more than ten sets exhibition of song and dance, let the visitor grasp each race of world culture heartily of bright. The window of Shenzhen world your arrival is welcomes, the front door of the window of world rushes to open for you at any time.
you want to take a tour around the world, satisfied look at the magic power of world?the window of shenzhen world can satisfy your request. the window of world came together the famous spot historic monument in the whole world. the window of world 130 著 in world view, the such as bright pearl insets on 480,000 square meter paradises.the view area presses region structures in the world to is divided into world square, asian area, oceanica area, european area, african area, american area, world to carve park and international street eight greatest districts. the window of world with to visitor lifelike display romantic feeling and culture of the foreign country history but is known far and near.thick feeling japan, movement africa, mysterious print anne, egyptian legend, the parisian intense emotion is hot to dance etc. more than ten sets exhibition of song and dance, let the visitor grasp each race of world culture heartily of bright. i am quick to come to the elegant appearance of the window of one 睹 world!

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