1,exam 英语单词 的完全式是什么


exam 英语单词 的完全式是什么


browse英 [bra?z] 美 [bra?z] 动词. 浏览,(在商店里)随便看看,翻阅名词. 嫩枝,放牧网络. 吃草,浏览按钮,随便翻阅变形. 第三人称单数:browses,现在分词:browsing,过去分词:browsed[例句]And what he was doing was he was teaching her to browse.他正在教她如何浏览网页。


3,访问量和浏览量 英语分别怎么说

浏览量/访问量 page views / pageviews
visit capacitypage views
visitspage views
visitor volumePageviews

访问量和浏览量 英语分别怎么说


浏览 n. scan, scamper, browsev. skim through, skim over, look through, scan, scamper, browse, skim, glance
1.go through2.look over3.check through4.look through .
look through 1.仔细查看,浏览,温习 2.(从头至尾)浏览;详尽核查;温习 3.看穿
go through也可以。look over也可以check through也可以
浏览browseglance overskim throughrun overscan


browse the web site
web page.this web page contains a lot of useful information. 这张网页上有不少有用的信息。
很多种说法啊。1.Browsing the web 2.web page view 3.browsing the Web 4.Goto URL
browser the website
search the internet
browsing the web skim the web


at in on over with from after by as of during against below around about above
很多啊in on under behind beside inside over
to of
1,表时间的介词:at,before,after,since,still,until,upon,on,from,between,by,in,during,for,through, within,over 2,表地点的:at,form,between,near,besid,by,close to,next to,behind,in front of, ahead of,before,arong,beyond,past 3,表工具或媒介:by the means of,with,through 4,表内容:over,of,as for,with ,due to 6,表原因:for,because of,as a result of,owing to, on acconut of,due to
有 at、in、on、about, above, across, after, against, among, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, beyond, but, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, like, near, of, off, on, over, past, round, since, through, to towards, under, until, till, up, with
at in of by about for from except since near with without as to upon above across after along among around before behind below beneath beside between beyond down from into off over through throughout towards under up upon within during past like against considering despite on for 后面都要加动词ing

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