

fall, drop【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】



deprave v. 堕落 depravation n. 堕落 depraved adj.堕落的, 颓废的, 邪恶的,道德败坏的 2)fallen adj. 倒下的, 伐倒的, 伏地的, 堕落的, 落下来的 陷落的 for example: A fallen angel 堕落天使,恶魔, 凶神 3)corruption n.主要指"腐化堕落"



坠落: 1. purler2. pitch3. precipitation4. falling5. go down 其它相关解释: <crash> <downfall> <plop> 例句与用法: 1. 模型飞机失控坠落下来。 The model plane got out of control and crashed. 2. 攀登者从极高的地方坠落下来. The climber fell from a great height. 3. 突然的摇晃或坠落 An abrupt rolling or pitching. 4. 那架正在坠落的飞机忽然烧起来。 The falling plane burst into flames. 5. 我方有两架战斗机坠落在敌方. Two of our fighters came down inside enemy lines.
fall towards 动词..fall表动作falling star 流星..falling作形容词



短语:go downhill 单词:degenerate
1.to sink low; to go to the devil; to fall by the wayside; to fall from virtue 2.abandoned; corrupt; degenerate; demeaning; depraved
堕落 堕落[简明汉英词典] [duòluò] 1. backslide 2. corrupt 3. degenerate
简明英汉词典 degenerate [di?d?en?reit] vi. 衰退; 堕落; 退化 He denied that some young people today were degenerating. 他否认现在某些青年在堕落。 [di?d?en?r?t] adj. 衰退的, 堕落的 Will too much freedom make them degenerate? 太多的自由会令他们堕落吗?
degenerate v.n.堕落、堕落的人


名词 degradation 动词 degenerate
deprave v.堕落
堕落 corrupt degenerate fall condescend lapse 堕落: falling;go to the dogs;fall from grace;deprave falling 使堕落: itiate;debauch;deprave;debauchdemoralizedeprave -堕落者: fallen;the fallen;deteriorator;repsinker repsinker 汉英词汇大全第180页 ... 堕落性corruptibility 堕落者repsinker 堕入sinkintolandoneselfin ... -道德堕落: moral degeneration -堕落树人: nenc -堕落王朝: fallen empires -东京堕落: tokyo decadence -继续堕落: this continuous sinking;this continuous sinking;this continuous -堕落体制: system of a down system of a down 中文: 堕落体制 | 阿拉伯语: ????? ??? ? ???? | 德语: system of a down | 英语: system of a down | 西班牙语: system of a down | 法语: system of a down | 日语: システム?オブ?ア?ダウン | 韩语: ??? ?? ? ?? | 俄语: system of a down | -再度堕落: relapse


Fallingdegeneratego downhillgo to the bad例句:受金钱的诱惑而堕落 degenerate under the temptation of money; 堕落成罪犯 degenerate into a criminal; 饮酒和赌博使他彻底堕落了。 Drinking and gambling sank him completely.
1. backslide2. corrupt3. degenerate
堕落 corrupt degenerate fall condescend lapse 堕落: falling;go to the dogs;fall from grace;deprave falling 使堕落: itiate;debauch;deprave;debauchdemoralizedeprave -堕落者: fallen;the fallen;deteriorator;repsinker repsinker 汉英词汇大全第180页 ... 堕落性corruptibility 堕落者repsinker 堕入sinkintolandoneselfin ... -道德堕落: moral degeneration -堕落树人: nenc -堕落王朝: fallen empires -东京堕落: tokyo decadence -继续堕落: this continuous sinking;this continuous sinking;this continuous -堕落体制: system of a down system of a down 中文: 堕落体制 | 阿拉伯语: ????? ??? ? ???? | 德语: system of a down | 英语: system of a down | 西班牙语: system of a down | 法语: system of a down | 日语: システム?オブ?ア?ダウン | 韩语: ??? ?? ? ?? | 俄语: system of a down | -再度堕落: relapse


您好,fall这个词有多种词性,在不同的句子中有不同的意思。动词vi. 落下;变成;来临;减弱vt. 砍倒;击倒名词n. 下降;秋天;瀑布形容词adj. 秋天的希望对你有所帮助。
名词 n. 1.落下;跌倒[C][(+from)]The fall from his horse broke his arm. 他从马上跌落摔坏了胳膊。2.降落;降落量[C]During the afternoon, there was a sudden heavy fall of snow. 下午突然下起了大雪。3.下降;减少[C][(+in)]We are expecting a fall in stock prices. 我们预料股市价格将要下跌。4.落差[S][(+of)]The fall of the river here is three feet. 这里河水落差为三英尺。5.(政府)垮台;(城市、要塞)陷落[the S]The people did not cease to resist even after the fall of the capital. 即使在首都失陷以后人民也没有停止抵抗。6.堕落[S]The play was about the fall of an honest man. 这出戏是关于一个诚实的人堕落的故事。7.【美】秋天[the S]I may be going back in the fall. 我可能在秋天回去。8.瀑布[P]不及物动词 vi. 1.落下;降落Leaves fall from the trees. 叶子从树上落下。2.跌落;跌倒[(+over/down)]She slipped and fell over. 他滑了一下跌倒了。3.下降;减退;减弱Production costs fell by 30%. 生产成本下降了百分之三十。4.【书】战死,阵亡[L]Many men fell in battle. 许多人在战斗中阵亡。5.变成;成为[L]They first met at university and later fell in love. 他们在大学里初次相遇,后来相爱。 After a while I fell asleep. 一会儿以后我睡着了。6.(政府、政权等)垮台The Government has fallen again. 政府又垮台了。7.(城市、阵地等)陷落The city fell to the enemy. 该城失陷了。8.(脸色)变阴沉His face suddenly fell. 他的脸色突然一沉。9.(黑夜)降临;(目光、重音)落在The accent falls on the first syllable. 重音落在第一个音节上。 Darkness was falling fast. 天很快黑了下来。10.下垂[Q][L]Her hair falls to her shoulders. 她长发披肩。11.(地面)倾斜;(河、水)流入[Q]The land falls gently to the sea. 地面缓缓地向海边倾斜。12.被说出[(+from)][L]Not a word fell from his lips. 他一声不吭。13.属(于)[(+into)]They fall into different categories. 他们属于不同的类别。14.【旧】堕落

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