来源:整理 编辑:好学习 2023-04-03 04:54:28
第二行 interest--interesting the--them hietory--history
第三行 too--either
第四行 skill--skills careful--carefully best前面加the
第五行 删was 删it
改正: [ gǎi zhèng ] . . correction to correct to amend to put right 上面的都是。根据句子意思选词我发誓一定会改正的 i swear i will correct myself 
我今年四月离开了电视大学 I graduated from TV Uni... (后面不变)
帮他们做一些图片的后期处理 ,doing some ....(同上) 主要是do改成doing
你有朋友在苹果商店吗 Do you have any friends in ...(后面不变)拜托,创办公司用的就是 found 好不?用operate也行。而find只是寻找的意思,根本没有建立的意思。April大写
at the present变成now
,do 变成and doing
the year变成this year
EMS memory 8G and 16G变成EMS are memory 8G and 16G
friend work 变成friends working
我把所有错都找全了,保证。要谢谢我呦把它粘贴到Microsoft Word里应该可以自动纠错吧April大写
at present不要加the

StoryA boy was going to the first appointment of his life. He felt very nervous, and did not know what is the best time to say something, so he asked his father. “My son, there are three topics for you: foods,family,and philosophy," his father said. (英语里面没顿号) The boy then went to the date and came to an ice shop with the girl. They wanted two cups of ice cream. For a long time none of them said anything. The boy felt more and more nervous . At last, he remembered his fathers advice. He asked the girl, "do you dare to eat green pepper?" "No, "she said. Then, there was silence.Minutes passed, the boy tried to raise another topic. "Do you have a brother?" "No," the girl said.The boy decided to use the last one. He thought for a minute and said," if you have a brother, do you think he dares to eat green peppers?"改了标点, 时态, comma splice. 然后一些常用法。 希望对你有用!
纠正 英文 英语 语文 纠正英文