







1.营业执照 Business License2 医疗器械注册证Registration Certificate For Medical Device3 医疗器械生产企业许可证 Production Enterpriser Licence of Medlical Instrument我肯定对 因为证的样本上有英文 点击下图看http://files.mainone.com/company/CertificateImage/2005_12/27094404506.JPG
营业执照 business license


4,注册建造师二级 英文怎么说

一级建造师是Constructor,二级建造师是Associate Constructor。
Registered Associate Constructor
以下转的:“建造师分为一级建造师和二级建造师,英文分别为:constructor和associate constructor。这主要是从我国的国情和工程的特点出发。因为,各地的经济发展和管理水平不同,大中小型工程项目对管理的要求差异也很大。为此,在施工管理中,一级注册建造师可以担任《建筑业企业资质等级标准》中规定的特级、一级企业资质项目施工的项目经理,二级注册建造师只能担任二级及以下企业资质项目施工的项目经理。这样规定,有利于保证一级注册建造师具有较高的专业素质和管理水平,以逐步取得国际互认;而设立二级注册建造师,则可满足我国量大面广的工程项目施工管理的实际需求。”


直接去耐思尼克www.b86.net上面注册一个用户名,申请就可以了。 域名注册.com(国际域名)和.cn(国内域名)为宜,域名最好不要太长、且有一定的意义、容易记,现在好的域名已经不多了,你可灵活的使用数字、英文单词、拼音等的组合,在域名的前、后加上i、e、51、ok、hao、88、163等,可以灵活的组合出许多好的域名。 以下这些域名是一些比较好的域名形式,供你参考,相信对你注册域名时有所启发: www.ddku.com www.51pr.com(我要PR) www.qiu8.com(球吧) 想好一个域名后,到底可不可以注册呢?你可到http://www.itnic.cn去查一下,如果不能注册,说明已经被人捷足先登了,如果可以注册,那就恭喜你,好的域名可能有很多眼睛虎视耽耽,一定要先下手为强哟。


注册表(Registry,繁体中文版Windows称之为登录)是Microsoft Windows中的一个重要的数据库,用于存储系统和应用程序的设置信息。早在Windows 3.0推出OLE技术的时候,注册表就已经出现。随后推出的Windows NT是第一个从系统级别广泛使用注册表的操作系统。但是,从Microsoft Windows 95开始,注册表才真正成为Windows用户经常接触的内容,并在其后的操作系统中继续沿用至今。
英文名字 :regedit 、registry 缩写 :REG 注册表是注册一些程序的证据吧
regedit 下载金山词霸。有标准的发声。


I need register code
furniture photos for 9s jlp program 为9s jlp 节目拍摄的家具相片 basically, the photos will need to be in group and independent item shot 基本上,相片分为成组家具拍摄和单独家具拍摄 group shot 成组拍摄 - it needs to be ready when we received the sample photos to decide how they go along - 在我们接到样本照片之前就应该准备好, 以便决定它们之间怎么样搭配 - also, we plan to shoot in the new studio. we need to get the back wall ready and prepare for the group shot - 同时, 我们计划在新的工作室里拍摄。我们需要把背景墙设计好以便进行成组拍摄 independent item shot 单独家具拍摄 it needs to be from different angles for the products:- 需要从不同角度进行拍摄:- 1. front shot 1. 正面拍摄 2. top shot 2.俯视拍摄 3. side shot 3. 侧面拍摄 4. interior shot with props to show its function 4. 使用道具进行内部拍摄以便突出其功能 5. image shot – a shot to show the selling point of the products 5. 典型拍摄 - 用于突出产品卖点的拍摄

8,email怎么注册 用英文解释 求解

Step first: fill in the contact mode and user contact information including your name, address and telephone number. User information including your date of birth, to confirm that you have attained the age of 18. The second step: enter your e-mail address, you will need to enter a can immediately check e-mail address, because eBay will send you an e-mail, shows you how to complete the registration. Important information: on eBay, please provide valid e-mail account, because e-mail allows you to buy items obtained after notification, you can also get to know about the other buyers and sellers to provide delivery and payment options. Step third: read and accept the eBay " user agreement " and " privacy protection rules " you must accept the " user agreement ", in order to continue the registration. Further understanding of the user agreement and privacy protection rules. Fourth step: choose your username, password and password every time I log on to eBay, need to use your username and password. Further understanding of how to choose a user name. If you forget your password, eBay will provide the password before ask you about the password question, in order to verify your identity. Step fifth: check the e-mail you need to view the eBay sent registered email, and follow the instructions in the email, so as to confirm registration and complete the registration process.

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