1,拍马屁 用英语speak

kiss the ass这是俚语中的拍马屁的意思flattering是奉承的意思,较书面化

拍马屁 用英语speak

2,dame shit在英文口语中是什么意思

是damn不是dame damn是谴责的意思 你要骂人就可以用damn you!!!发泄就用damn it shit字面上是屎,一班用于表示不满,你什么对什么事不满你就可以说shit 你会常常听到oh shit!!!和咱们的 操 差不多,

dame shit在英文口语中是什么意思


拍马屁同义词,阿谀奉承 溜须拍马 奴颜婢膝 巴结讨好 趋炎附势
阿谀奉承 溜须拍马 奴颜婢膝 巴结讨好 趋炎附势
拍马屁:比喻谄媚奉承。近义词:捧臭脚 相似词:拍马溜须 放屁 屁颠 屁股 打屁 打屁股 擦屁股 骑马找马



Korea Oil Corporation 大韩石油公司.希望能帮到你
KOCO----- Korea Oil Corporation 大韩石油公司;
Korea Oil Corporation 大韩石油公司.希望能帮到你 再看看别人怎么说的。

5,black hole的英文解释

black hole:An area of space-time with a quantum singularity at its center. The singularity has a theoretically infinite mass, making it impossible for even light to escape. Around the singularity is an Event-Horizon. This is also known as the point of no return because it is the critical area that light can no longer escape from, and time itself comes to an end, or is at the same time ad-infinitum. Much work has been done on this subject by Stephen Hawking.


nine [nain] num. 九, 九个 nine nine AHD:[non] D.J.[na!n] K.K.[na!n] n.(名词) The cardinal number equal to 8 + 1. 九:与8+1相等的基数 The ninth in a set or sequence. 第九个:在一个集合或序列中的第九个 Something having nine parts, units, or members. 九个一组:含有九个单元、部分或成员的事物 Games A playing card marked with nine pips. 【游戏】 标有九点的一张扑克牌 A set of nine persons or things, especially: 九人,九人一组之物:含有九个人或事物的一个集合,尤指 Baseball The nine players on a side, or the whole team. 【棒球】 九名队员的棒球队 Nine Greek Mythology The nine Muses. Nine 【希腊神话】 缪斯九女神 A size, as in clothing or shoes, designated as nine. 九号:衣服或鞋子的尺寸号码,标为九号 Sports The first or second 9 holes of an 18-hole golf course. 【体育运动】 一种18洞的高尔夫球场的前九洞或后九洞
nine num. 九; 九个人[物]; 第九(章, 页, 段, 卷等)

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