
1,多做运动 英语怎么说

Do more exercise…

多做运动 英语怎么说


多运动【do more exercise】有不会的可以再问我
we have many sports clubs.
exercise more
Do as much exercise as possible.


3,做运动越多你的身体就会越健康you take exerciseyou

做运动越多,你的身体就会越健康。 The more you take exercise,the healthier you will be
the more you.... the healthier you...
The more the healthier

做运动越多你的身体就会越健康you take exerciseyou


We should put on more clothes,pay attention to keep warm.Go out remember to wear a hat and gloves.Drink water more,eat more fruit.Again cold also remember to exercise .We should put on more clothes,pay attention to keep warm.Go out remember to wear a hat and gloves.Drink water more,eat more fruit.Again cold also remember to exercise
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英译:doing more exercise is helpful to soothe your stress and to give you a good sleep as well。 汉译:we should think more about the progress we make,less about the final result we may get so as to make us set up confidence. 很高兴为你解答,希望能帮到你,望采纳,谢谢!
Do not always think about the grades you get in the exams, you should think more about in which fields have you made improvements, it will help you set up your confidence.

6,多锻炼有助于我们的身体健康 英语咋说

More exercise do good to our health.More exercise is helpful for our health.More exercise is benificial to our health.More exercise is in favourable to our health.More exercise is in favor of our health.
do more exercise is good for our health
the more exercise we take, the more health we will have
it can make you healthy and strong to get up early to exercise, and it can also help memorize things that we have learned.

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