
英文原文: king power 英式音标: [k??] [?pa??] 美式音标: [k??] [?pa??]



red bean
red bean
red bean
red bean



豆英文名称:adzuki bean<食材档案柜>主要功效:治水肿,去脚气,补血。产 期:12月下旬至翌年2月上旬。营 养:氨基酸和维生素b、铁质。食用部位:种子。食用方式:烹煮。<中医记载食材疗效>红豆亦称「小豆」、「赤小豆」,在《神农本草经》和《本草纲目》中的正式名称均为「赤小豆」,是一种药食两用的食材。红豆性甘、平,无毒,在传统医学上,主要应用于行水(例如治水肿)、利气(例如去脚气)、健脾等,即具有健脾利水、解毒消肿的功效。所以,汉代《神农本草经》阐述其功能:「红豆通小肠、利小便、消肿排脓、消热解毒、治泻痢脚气、止渴解酒、通乳下胎。」因此,孙思邈《备急千金要方》中,才会有利用红豆与鲤鱼煮熟食用的药膳,来改善孕妇怀孕后期所产生的水肿脚气,正是基于鲤鱼能滋补利水、红豆则能利水、清热解毒。在中医学上,红豆对于肾脏、心脏、脚气病等形成的水肿具有改善的效果,这主要是来自于其所含皂角化合物的功效,除了可以利尿、预防便秘外,还具有解毒、催吐等作用。而皂角化合物在红豆种皮部分的含量特别多,因此,煮食红豆时千万别去皮。而根据现代营养分析,红豆的维生素b1含量丰富,除了能防止疲劳物质沈淀在肌肉里、预防脚气病外,也能使醣分更容易分解燃烧。所以,红豆也具有预防肥胖的效果,《食性本草》就说:「久食瘦人。」而后附的红豆鲤鱼汤,就是一道着名的瘦身佳肴。红豆是非常适合女性的食物,因为其铁质含量相当丰富,具有很好的补血功能。不管是针对怀孕妇女产后缺乳情形的改善,或是一般女性经期时不适症状的纾解,时常喝一碗热呼呼的红豆汤,都能发挥调经通乳的功效。但必须注意的是,最好不要与汤圆、粉圆等甜食混合吃,因为这样的热量会过高,但可以加一点红糖,会具有暖身的效果。<食材话题——红豆营养好吃又不伤身的秘诀>在现代的营养分析上,红豆已被认为是营养成分极高的主食类食物。但是在人体消化过程中,红豆的豆类纤维却容易在肠道发生产气现象,因此肠胃较弱的人,在食用红豆后,常会有胀气等不适感觉。其实,一般人在食用红豆时,都习惯加些糖来增加口感,不过,从中医的观点却认为「甘令人满」,因此脾胃气虚的人服用甜食过量,的确是较容易有饱胀的不适。所以在煮红豆时加少许盐,使产生「软坚消积」的作用,就有助于排除胀气了。另外,有些人在煮红豆时,为了去除涩味,会先将红豆用水氽烫过一次后再煮,但烫红豆的水却含有溶解的皂角化合物成分,所以千万别倒掉,可再与红豆一起煮。而红豆也多会和燕麦或薏仁等谷物一起烹煮,这是因为红豆所含的蛋白质是属于不完全氨基酸,必须和谷物一起食用,对身体的健康也才更有帮助。<diy健康养生方>佐方 1 红豆鲤鱼汤材 料:鲤鱼1条(约600公克)、红豆75公克、红枣19公克、陈皮1小块。调味料:盐、胡椒粉、油各少许。作 法:1.将红豆、红枣洗净沥干,陈皮浸软、刮瓢,红枣去核备用。2.鲤鱼去鳞洗净抹干,洒上少许细盐和胡椒粉,再用少许油将鱼煎至稍微金黄即可起锅,并用清水冲去油份。3.所有材料同时放入煲中,并倒入适量清水煲至水滚,再改用中小火煲至材料够酥软汤浓,最后加入适量的盐调味即可。功 效:改善孕妇脚气水肿,对一般人有瘦身功效。佐方 2 红豆糙米饭材 料:红豆、糙米、黄豆、南杏各15公克,冷开水200c.c.。调味料:红糖1大匙。作 法:1.将红豆、糙米、黄豆、南杏洗净,入小杯清水浸泡4小时,再用电锅隔水蒸30分钟、焖20分钟。2.将所有材料加入红糖搅拌均匀即可。功 效:减轻孕妇的水肿和胎毒。<巧手锦囊>◎挑选要领选购时应选择颗粒饱满、大小比例一致、颜色较鲜艳、没有被虫蛀过者,品质才会比较好也比较新鲜。◎清洗储存红豆必须放在干燥不潮湿处,以免发霉。也可以放在冰箱中保存,保存期限约在20天左右。◎禁忌1.红豆在中医的分类上是属于「淡渗利湿」之剂,所以体质属虚性者不宜多食。2.胃肠较弱的人也不宜多食,因为会容易胀气。红豆是暖性的,绿豆是寒性的,所以冬天吃红豆,夏天吃绿豆要好一些



western humoreverybody knows that occidentals are very humorous. in the beginning, i dont quite catch that. but recently, i feel the humorous way of occidental deeply. one day when we had class of foreign english teacher. in order to see how well we could write in english, he wrote a topic on the blackboard and let us to write an article in english. the topic was very simple, just talked about the thing of our university or the thing which happened around us. it is either complimentary or critical. our students were very clever. we finished the article quickly and gave it to the teacher. he read the articles carefully and then picked one which he thought was the best. when he read it out to us, we were very confused. why it was the best article, not a single word of it was true.the article described our cafeteria and the author was a peaceable student from a village in the outskirts. he was timid, so in order to not offend the institute authorities---the decisive factor concerning his final grading, evaluation and where he was to go after graduation ---he had made up a high –sounding story in praise of the cafeteria, regardless of the realities. we were all very angry about what he did. but, the teacher was aware of the cafeterias terrible conditions, why did he have his eye on this one in particular? we couldnt help ourselves asking him why. our teacher explained “this is certainly a good article. absolutely matchless! listen …” he picked up the article and read it loudly. “the most beautiful place in our university is not the classroom, nor the sport-ground, nor the lawn with the fountain at the gate; the most beautiful place in our university is our cafeteria. look, the windows are so clean that you scarcely notice there is glass in them …” and then he paused, his eyes flashing with a glint of wits and his brows shooting upward. “listen, how humorous it is!”humorous? why it was humorous? the students were still confused and let him read it went on. the teacher continued, “if you were not careful enough and had a fall on the floor, you would be amazed to find that you had not fallen at all because you did not get a particle of dust on your clothes. if you had been working in the cafeteria for a long time, you would have forgotten what a fly looks like…” he stopped again, his tongue clicking rapidly to show admiration and made a face. “listen. do you think anyone else couldve made it more humorous? if laughed so heartily that i could hardly continue.” he said. we looked at for each other and knew something suddenly. the teacher went on, his reading punctuated by fits of laughter. “how wonderfully is the food cooked here everyday! what a great variety of dishes and how well your appetite is satisfied! it is only at our cafeteria you can find eating and enjoyable business. our cafeteria is so wonderful!” we burst into laugh at this time. according to this way of thing, how many smart, wise, perfect and funny articles could we find!

文章TAG:红豆  英文  king  怎么  红豆英文  