
1,参加用英语怎么说turn on the light什么意思

参加是join,attendturn on the light:开灯~
参加:take part in ; join; attend turn on the light 开灯
参加:to participateto be involved into jointo take part inturn on the light:开灯

参加用英语怎么说turn on the light什么意思

2,参加用英文怎么说各种场合用不同的词我分不清麻烦各位了 搜

参加1.to take(a test,an exam)2.to join(a club,association,organization)3.to take part in4.to attend(a ceremony,meeting)
参加 1.totake(atest,anexam) 2.tojoin(aclub,association,organization) 3.totakepartin 4.toattend(aceremony,meeting)
运动会只参加无项目,attend.有项目的take part in.会议可用attend,present用于到校上课

参加用英文怎么说各种场合用不同的词我分不清麻烦各位了  搜

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