


2,称呼的起源 英语怎么翻译啊

The origin of the name

称呼的起源 英语怎么翻译啊


起源【这个词】 : The origin of this "word". / The origin of the word " xx".



英语起源于盎格鲁-萨克逊语,一种西日耳曼方言(旧低地语), 目前在使用的英语中,还包括一部分对其他语言的吸收以及少数新造词,包括很多拉丁语。 如果说英语如何发展?自然离不开她的殖民扩张,而基本原因也在英国工业革命带来的先进技术的传播以及原属英殖民国经济的发展和散布地域的广泛。


源自 stem from , come from 就是是要表达什么意思
源自come from 就是 be
stem from
stem from originate from

6,求英语起源 英语版 少点

How Did The English Language Begin? English is considered a member of the Indo-European family of languages. French, Italian, German, Norwegian and Greek are other languages belonging to this family. English is a member of the "West Teutonic" branch from the various branch of the Indo-European family. This language actually dates from about the middle of the fifth century. In that time invaders from across the north-sea conquered the native Celts and settled on the island now known as Great Britain. The history of English language is divided into three periods: Anglo-Saxon (400-1100 A.D), Middle English (1100-1500 A.D), Modern English (1500 A.D-present day). The original language spoken in English was Celtic. The Norsemen invaded England and they introduced a Scandinavian element into the language and this way a German language became a part of English. After that "Norman" language influenced the language and a language quite different from Anglo-Saxon developed and became the chief source of modern English.

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