
Max has a sled. His sled is little and red.麦克斯有一个雪橇。他的雪橇又小又红。His sister likes his sled.他的妹妹喜欢他的雪橇。



Round face, the embedded a pair of Nongmeitaiyan, two ears grow on both sides of a mouth mounted on the central face, a mouth long in the nose. ? This is me, and I did not feel that I and others, What is the difference



Hey kid,First,you should know what you like,what kind of life you want to live,for which we can start to prepare.This kind of life will be your direction and power to pursue in future.Second,we need to know what we are lack of,like technique.Beside the techniques which are helpful to jobs,we also need to learn how to deal with people,which is the affair we should learn all our lifes!



Nowadays, many students use electronic dictionary. It has some disadvantages. First, it some explanation incomplete or inaccurate. Second, excessive use of electronic dictionary can form bad reading habits. But it also has some advantages. First, cabinet and convenient and easy to use. Second, inquires the shortcut. Third, complete function. We should reasonable use electronic dictionary, use of its advantages and avoid its disadvantages.
With English translator, do not translate simply, thanks pulls. the present, many students use the electronic dictionary. It has some shortcomings. First, its some explanations incomplete or inaccurate. Second, the excessively many use electronic dictionary can form the bad reading custom. But, it also has some merits. First, exquisite convenient, easy to operate. Second, the inquiry is quick. Third, the function is complete. We should the reasonable use electronic dictionary, use its merit, avoids its shortcoming.

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